Chapter 15:

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It's been a week since I've been dating Calum. I never pinned myself as someone who would celebrate a 1 week anniversary. But, hey I'm human and I really like Calum! I haven't brought it up because I'm pretty sure that he won't care. We got to Chula Vista 2 days ago. In between that time we were either in the bus watching movies, exploring California, eating pizza, or playing at a playground like children!

It's been forever since I could play on playgrounds. My dad hates germs, so he never wanted me going to the playground. I haven't gotten to do much in my life because of my dad. But, then again, he's kept me "in line" with school and my education.

Right now we are going through the crowd of screaming fans and I'm being pulled at by fans who I'm guessing like Calum as much as I do. Because they're calling me a bitch and telling me to go to hell. But, I don't care, because when I entered that crowd I felt like I already was there! Calum is holding my hand so I don't get lost I'm so scared that these people are going to kill me. But, once that thought begins we are just exiting the crowd.

Calum hugs me and says, "It's okay, we're not in there anymore. Don't listen to them." I love how he knows what I was thinking and that he's knows I was scared. He takes my hand and we walk into the dressing room. The other girls are in the crowd talking to fans because the boys said they didn't want them in the dressing room. Did they think I was one of the guys? I push that thought aside as Calum begins to explain, "Put this on! It's a Nitvana shirt."

"I can read Calum! And I know this band!"

"Oh really. Who else do you listen to? I'm guessing pop like Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift?!"

"No! Let's see... Nirvana, Boys Like Girls, A Day To Remember, Green Day, Blink 182, All Time Low, Good Charlotte, Mayday Parade, and Busted."

"Great taste in music!"

"I learned from the best!" I said and I kissed him before I changed into the shirt.

"Awe thanks Ellie." Calum said in a bashful voice.

"So, why am I putting on this shirt?"

"Because your performing a song!"

"No! No! No! No! No!"

"Why? You did great the first time!"

"Well, that was a week ago, it was all of a sudden, and I didn't have time to think about it!"

"You don't have time to think about it now either! Cause you're up!"

"What no!"

"Yep!" Calum pushed me and when I wouldn't budge he picked me up as I screamed. And I'm pretty sure everyone in the crowd heard me from backstage. "Come on Ellie, you've got this and you're gonna do great. Just like the first time you did it. If you didn't have the courage to do that you wouldn't be here right now."

"That might've been a good thing! Just don't-" I was interrupted by Calum kissing me then he pulled back.

"I wouldn't make you do this unless I knew you had it in you."

"Fine." I walked out on stage with the boys and smiled nervously while people screamed for me to get down and that I didn't belong up on stage. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath while Luke was announcing a song name. But it wasn't I song I recognized! Until it hit me, I wrote this song, I forgot that I brought my music notebook with me on this trip and Calum got a hold of it! I started singing the first verse, and then when it got to the chorus the guys joined in. At first I was so scared, but now I felt like I belonged up there.

The song ended and Calum started with, "I know you guys haven't heard that song before, because Ellie, my girlfriend, wrote that! I'm so happy to say that it's been a week as of tonight that I met this wonderful girl. I don't know what I'd do without her!" He turns to me and continues, "Thank you for coming with us on this tour!" he walked up to me and kissed me and everyone in the crowd gasped. He smiled after we kissed, "Now she was only supposed to stay for that one song, but she's gonna stay up here for the song Amnesia because we met because of that song."

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