Chapter 8:

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Now it's 8:24 and we're either on the couch, a chair, or on the floor watching 'Monsters Inc.' which is like my favorite movie of all time! We are all cuddling with our new found boyfriends and occasionally throwing popcorn at each other to make sure we are all awake.

I'm on the couch laying down while Calum got a drink. He came back and picked my legs up and placed them on his lap. Sarah grabbed a pillow and threw it at me. It startled me and I threw my hands in the air, "Dude, Sarah I'm awake!!!"

"I know, but it was way too quiet in here!"

Calum laughs and then grabs the the pillow Sarah threw at me and throws it back at her, "Don't do that to my girlfriend! It's not nice!"

"Look who's talking!" Ashton pitches in when he sees that Calum threw the pillow back at Sarah.

"Well since that's over, back to the movie, this is my favorite part!" I raise my voice so everyone can hear me. It's where they're banished from the monster world and the abominable snowman is there!

The movie soon finished and we a fell asleep.


(Tour Day 2)

The next morning Luke and Calum are up making breakfast which is bacon, eggs, and pancakes. I woke up because of the wonderful smell. I walk in and hug Calum who's keeps yawning and then I put my head on his shoulder, "Good morning." I say while yawning. The others are still sleeping.

Calum hugs me when he finishes doing the pancakes, and we stand there for a few minutes. Eventually everyone woke up when we hit a bump in the road and they all cuss because it hurt and Michael is constantly swearing because he hates to be woken up.

A/N: God I hate short chapters, but it's the first fan fiction I had ever written, so I don't want to change it. This story is my baby, as are the people who read it.
-Baylie <3

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