Chapter 10 | The First Night

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The manager stared at her in disbelief. By some miracle this kid had managed not only to attract in customers, but also chase away the biggest problem facing the business all in a matter of hours.

He was gobsmacked.

"Well, Mr Zhi? Are you going to fulfil your end of the deal?"

Mr Zhi snapped out of his shock. "Y-yes. Yes, of course I will."

"Good." Cui Huifen smiled.

"Let's discuss this in the office." The manager looked around at the curious eyes of patrons and turned on heel to the back of the building.

Once in the office, Mr Zhi immediately jumped to question Cui Huifen. "How did you do it?"

The young woman shrugged casually. "I did tell you I had dealt with this before. Since it's come to this, I would like to remind you of the conditions you agreed to adhere to. After all, I'd like to consider you a man of your word, Mr Zhi."

The manager's mood sullied momentarily, but he nodded. The conditions she had made earlier had been insane to agree to as a business owner, but he had felt desperate then so he had hastily agreed to it as a last straw. Never did he imagine that the new girl would actually prove to be so capable in such a short time.

Indeed, something about the swiftness seemed unnatural and difficult for him to comprehend. He observed Cui Huifen's calm and unbothered disposition. Clearly, she was a clever girl, but there was an undeniable mystery about her. Nonetheless, it was not hard to see that being on her good side was the best side to be on. 

"Sign this." Cui Huifen handed Mr Zhi a folded paper that had been written on with neat penmanship.

The paper was a written contract establishing a formal agreement between the tavern and Cui Huifen. It listed conditions she expected from the tavern as well as the services she would provide. Where she had gotten it from and when she had managed to scribble down its contents, he had no idea.

"This relinquishes the power of the employment contract I signed earlier. By signing this, you will make your tavern the most popular bar in the city. So, will you sign it?"

Mr Zhi pursed his lips. Why did he feel like he was about to sign his soul away to the devil?


The nightlife of any city was always the more exciting part of city life. In contrast to the busy bustle of workers, families and students rushing to get things on their daily schedules done during the daytime, the nightlife was when people truly came out to have fun and relax, party in nightclubs with friends, dine in exquisite restaurants, visit the night markets, or maybe even walk down a lover's lane with their significant others.

Tonight appeared to be just the same and despite it being 11pm, the streets were alive with night birds.

As Cui Huifen walked on, she observed the not-so book-like two-dimensional people around her. They looked to be enjoying their night after a long and busy day just like real life people.

She then thought of the chaotic day she had just had. Not only had she woken from death, but discovered she had been transported into the body of a villainous character, was dirt poor with no family or friends to rely on, no home to go to and with the responsibility of raising a newborn baby.

If someone had told her she would go through this before, she naturally would not believe them. What sane person would?

And yet here she was.

She sighed. Today had truly been... incredible.

At this moment all she wanted to do was get that little bun from the old lady and find a decent shelter to rest for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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