Chapter Thirteen: Acetone

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Suicide references, references to assult, unkind thoughts, bullying references



I need a distraction from everything around me. It's all too much.

Can I sit there? No, it's being saved for someone. Somebody else comes along. Yes, you can sit there. Laughs. Do people not realise how much hurt they can cause someone?

Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally.

Anyone have some food? Sure, I have an apple in my bag. I don't like apples. Next day: sees them eating an apple.

Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally.

Who wants to do this? Offering first to help. Day later, tells everyone but me to help. I offered?...Yeah but we've got enough people, you should have offered sooner. Laughs.

Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally. 

 Don't take it personally.

Fix a smile, laugh it off, don't take it personally, lie. Lie. Lie. Always lie.

Are you going on the trip? See as I told you [turns to the person they were originally talking to]'s going to be a fun trip because all the cool people are going. [They smile, laugh, and walk off]. The usage of the word 'cool' further humiliates me. I take a step forwards in time, and a step backwards in hope. I look at them, smile, and I know underneath that they will be arrested by social convention. When my name does not belong to a face but to an epitaph, my secret will become more than known. It will become cared about. There will be investigations. The diagnosis: the hatred of others caused an unsound mind with serious effects on their judgement, finally ending their life. Let's put this to bed, amen.

No more emails have been sent through about the video they've sent. Surely, I would've received a personal note? A heads up? Maybe they're here to ruin my life after all. Unless? What if they've placed another message under my desk?

I hear footsteps.


I'm ushered back into the English classroom by a frantic looking Mr Queen. I'm the only one in there, so I take my usual seat and get out my laptop. As I begin writing the new letters, I hear a 'thump', followed by an 'ow'.

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