Authors Note-

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Okay, so I apologize from every part of my heart and soul for not updating for so long. It's just that... My life has been really difficult right now ( who's hasn't) and I don't know if I could finish this story. I have writers block and the motivation is dying. I tried to update right now and I stood there in front of my screen for like 20 minutes trying to come up with something without much success. I just can't think of anything guys. I don't know what to really do at this point. There's a few options.

1- I can literally just post the outline of the rest of the story so you guys can use your imagination to add details as you'd like

2- I can just delete the story sadly but I don't want to do that.

3- I can just not finish it but I don't want to do that either

4- you guys can bombard me with new ideas of what you'd want to see next

5- ask the magic conch shell but that's risky af

Well, sorry again! Never forget how thankful I am for you all! I love you guys so freaking much!

Messy Love (Ed Sheeran)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora