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The vibration by my ear sent me back into reality, from my dreams that I actually enjoyed. I huffed, trying to move, and reached for my phone through the arms tightly around my waist

Paul aka the MAN-ager

Are you alive? Is Sheeran with you? Barbara, you better be careful. This can change alot of things. 


I laughed, until I noticed where I was, and I propped up, moving the tatted arm away from me. I felt cold, and noticed that I only had  on my bra, underwear, and Ed's collared shirt halfway buttoned.

Not again...

I jumped over him, off the small sofa and stood there, letting it sink in with so much disapointment. 

I searched for my dress, to find it thrown carelessly in the corner of the room.

"You wear that better than I did," Ed suddenly murmured in a raspy morning voice. I sighed, feeling like complete crap.

"Don't all girls," I said in a tone that seemed jokingly, but my expression was blank, a bit upset as my back faced him.

I unbuttoned his shirt as I grabbed the dress, and I heard Ed chuckle, assuming he likes what he is seeing. I frowned.

Then the door barged open, and two people with cameras came in rudely. I stumbled back at the crazed fans looked at us with pure utter surprise, their hands flying over their mouths as their phones focused on Ed and I.  I yelped, my face draining of color with embarrassement and fear.

Ed quickly stood up, barely capable of pulling up his suit pants to push the girls out.  He closed the door behind him, sliding his hand to his neck.

What the fuck just happened...

I slumped down onto the couch, wrapping one hand around my torso from feeling so unpure again.. Now more insecure with the fact that those girls will most likely put those images on the internet.

I put my head in my palm, pouting as I wanted to cry.  Ed's hands wrapped around me and he lifted me up, hugging me tightly.

"I was not expecting that," he said. Out of all the comfort words he could have used, he had to say that? Now I will feel so utterly disgusting and embarrassed when those almost naked pictures of us gets out.

I thought about Paul's text and looked up at him.

"This needs to stop," I stated pulling away. He looked at me confused, and I could feel my eyes water. I quickly took off his shirt, sliding on my dress.

"W-What?" he said as I organized the 'lounge room' we had drunkily had another round of sex in. I looked up at him, my phone vibrating constantly...

Yup, they must've posted it.

"What am I to you, Ed Sheeran?" I asked, you could hear the hurt in my tone. He smiled, furrowing his blonde eyebrows.

"You're mine," he pulled me close and bent for a kiss, but I looked down. Just his toy?

"I can't do this then, Ed. This isn't me. I'm not.. I'm not just for this," I turned around and walked to get my purse, pulling my hair in a quick ponytail, as I felt Ed freeze beside me. 

I sniffled, before I wiped my undereyes for any make-up.

" Barbara, I.." I looked at him, his eyes confused and hurt. I frowned, sniffling and wiping a tear before it could fall.

I walked out, without a word. I quickly left from the backroom, getting glances from the cleaning crew. I smiled at them, my eyes watering even more.

Once I walked out, there was a small crowd who began to flash their camera's.

Barbara Alexis, did someone over sleep?

No, who slept with you? Another one night stand with Ed? You guys friends with benefits? What kind of reputation are you giving your new fans?

Fame making you make crazy decisions?

No, i thought to the last one.

Ed Sheeran is made me make those decisions. He was my decision. My mistake.

But why does my heart feel so hollow as I think about him?

He was only using me for sex.

 And that stops now.

Messy Love (Ed Sheeran)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora