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The fire kept the room warm, but I had made sure to lower it down because of Ed's fever, which I shall repeat, did not go away after our bath.

I tried to sleep, but once Ed coughed slightly in his sleep, I couldn't help but become worried.

He huddled close to me, his skin providing the warmth I lacked in the cold room.

He began to cough more through out the night, and I knew it was time to do something once Ed moaned in discomfort after a fifteen second long coughing episode.

"Ed, babe. Are you okay?" I hummed lowly, looking at the clock. It was two thirty in the morning.

I shook him a bit, his skin still a tint warm.

He opened his eyes in tiredness.

"Yeah, my love. I'm fine. Thanks," he kissed my forehead. His lips were burning.

I pulled away and he coughed again.

"Ed, you're definitely not okay," I repeated a bit louder. Getting off the bed to go to his side.

I turned on the light, grabbing the thermometer while I went to get another packet of immune boosters.

It beeped from Ed's mouth and he sighed at the cup in my hand, sleepy from a restless night.

"Not that again," he mumbled with the stick in his mouth. I huffed as I stirred.

"If you're fever is lower than 102.4, you don't have to take it, if it's higher than that, you're taking it and we're leaving to the hospital," I nonchalantly replied. 

He grunted and took the thermometer from his mouth, his eyes widening at the sight. I was frightened by his expression.

"What?" I rushed to his side, passing him the cup that he willingly took. He passed it to me and I gulped.

105.5 F

I took a breath, trying to stay calm. That's really high. I turned back to him, and his eyes were closed, forcing down the liquid without me asking.

"Let's go," we both said in unison.

I looked at Ed, my eyes scared that he was suddenly getting so many symptoms at one time, and how it must be a strong sickness.

He cracked a smile, coughing to the side before laughing.

"It's probably just a flu," he bent down to wrap his hands around my waist, kissing my forehead.

"I hope, but for know, go wash up and get dressed and I'll pack our stuff," I nodded with a slight smile, kissing his neck in reassurance before I eyed him once and left to get our luggage.

I googled the closest hospital from here, and was relieved to find one nearby.


"Pneumonia?" I asked again, sitting closely to the hospital bed Ed was casually lounging on, his guitar in his hand

"Yes, Chronic Pneumonia. It's a good thing you guys came in right in the beginning stages, it looked to be a hard hit, but it  doesn't seem to be progressing right now," the doctor checked her clipboard. I sighed in relief.

"Have you taken any medication, smoke, drank in the last 48 hours, Mr.Sheeran?" she looked up at him, clicking some buttons on the computer screen beside her.

"Miraculously, no I haven't... um, I know my girlfriend gave me some immune boosters a few hours ago, that seemed to have helped quite a bit," he spoke, clearing his throat again.

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