chapter 1

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"Where is it? I got to have some, I don't want to feel like this anymore."

After a week of abuse from her pack. She needed something to take the edge off. With her dad being the pack Dr. she sneaked into the medicine cabinet, Searching for the only thing that helped.

"Here it is." she thought pulling out a bottle of vicodin.

As she was about to take a few. The door flew opened and her dad walked in, still in his sleeping shorts.

"Sarah! What are you doing?" he grabbed the pills "You can't be doing this. This isn't going to solve the problem, it's just covering it up. You need to talk to us, so we can help you." her dad said to her.

"You can't help me, just let me be." Sarah said sadly.

"You know we can't do that." he said softly.

"Please. tears going down her face. I can't handle this without them." she said looking at him with tears in her eyes.

"Are you going to tell me what this is?" he asked.

"No, I can't. It'll hurt more if I do." she said sounding sad.

Disappointed in her, he put the pills away. He locked the cabinet, then he picked her up and carried her to their house. They lived in a two story house with 4 bedrooms, It was the house she had grown up in, the house she loved, the house had so many good memories but now, she hate it. All she wanted to do was craw into a ball and hide from the world. The last good memory was a party her sister Sam and her went to about a year ago. After that nothing but pain and heartache.

Her dad tucked her into bed and asked again. "Can you please tell me what's going on?"

She rolled over, tears running down her face.

He sighed and got up to leave. "We love you and when you're ready to talk we're here to listen."

Laying there in her bed, all she could think about was what the pack had said and did to her that day. She felt the bruises healing, if only the word were so easy to heal. She didn't know what she did to deserve this. She was a normal teenage girl. she had her dad's brown hair, only with less gray. she didn't get his chocolate brown eyes, no she got her mother's green eyes and was tall like her too. not that she was complying. She was also thin, too thin for a werewolf, It's probably from all the stress and drugs she takes. Her wolf was a simple black color with a red tint. Her dad's wolf was a similar color but her mom's red wolf made her wolf a bit more red then him. She thought she was so pretty in the right light. She has two brothers Josh who is 20 and Max who is 14 and three sister, Sam who is 18, Sunny who is 11, and Angle who is 5. She thought she looked average, but none of the guys in the pack seem interested in her. Maybe she was less then average, maybe she was ugly just like the girls said. If her mom were to hear her think that about herself she'd smack her. her mom was a beautiful women with her blond hair and green eyes she only hoped she look half as good as her. With nothing really special about her, she didn't understand why they treated her like that. The things they did and said really hurt because they were a pack, a family, their suppose to support and protect each other but they treated her like dirt. She did say something in the beginning but learned real fast that was a bad idea. After a week of nothing happening it got bad, like really bad, she had to hide everyday. She didn't know what to do. Her wolf helped where she could but the bullying and drugs effect her too, she's gotten pretty quiet lately. She couldn't leave, she was only 16. she need to be 18 to leave without reason. Running away is a bad idea she end up killed by rouges or for trespassing on another packs territory. She just has to deal with it till one of two things happen. one she turns 18 or two she finds her mate and he takes her away. But its rare for a wolf to find their mate at 16. In order to find your mate you need to be able to smell them, which usually happens at 18. Till then she just dream of a better place.

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