chapter 10

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His view:

A few weeks later and Damian was in Texas. He had just finished up what he had to do for the pack and was getting ready to heading back to Sarah. He woke up excited to be heading back to Sarah, he missed her so much. As he was packing he had a strange feeling, maybe depressed. Thinking it was Sarah he decided to call her.

The phone rang a few times then her mom picked up and said Hello.

"Hello. Is Sarah there?" Damian asked.

"Hmm I was about to call you, she doesn't feel good and asked me to see when you be back." her mom said.

"I heading to the airport now. Should be back in a few hours. Is she ok?" Damian asked concerned .

"Ya I think so, she said she feel off like.. something missing. Doc said she healthy so were just keep an eye on her." her mom said.

"Ok Ill be there as soon as I can." Damian said.

During the drive to the airport Damian's skin just started tingling really bad it almost itching. Once he got to the airport he pulled out his phone and called his dad.

His dad answered "Hey you just left, what up son."

"I dont know what going on. My skin tingling it almost itches. scratching doesn't help." Damian said.

"Maybe You should come back and talk to the Dr.?" his dad said.

"I can't, Sarah not feeling good and said she needs me." Damian said.

"Hmm well I'll get the Dr. on the phone." his dad said.

"Hello, this is Dr. Mitch what wrong, besides itching." Dr. said.

"Well I feel tired, itchy, aggravated and sad like I am missing something. I think that Sarah because I talked to her mom a bit ago and she said Sarah was feeling sad like she missing something." Damian said.

"Ok so I guess the question is are you itchy or her?" Dr. Asked.

"I cant tell, I can usually tell whats her and whats me but it's all mixed up. Wait it's feeling better maybe its going away." Damian said.

"Maybe, I suggest you get to Sarah, when you get there call us. I think, but of course we dont know for sure, it could be her bonds kicking in." Dr. Said.

"What! Really if so I need to be there." Damian said.

Now boarding flight 394 to Georgia.

"Ok that's my flight I got to go. Can you call Sarah and make sure she's ok?" Damian asked.

"Yes son, I will." Dad said.

He got on the plain and sat down. After the airplane took off Damian started to feel all sorts of emotion aggravation, excited, frigidity, impatient and anxious. He was able to figured out that his wolf and him was excited, impatient, and anxious. Then all of a sudden the itching started again, he tried not to scratch so much but it was so hard. The person sitting next to him looked at him funny, Damian didn't know what to say so he just smiled. After what felt like forever, the plane finally landed. Damian got his bags and ran to the woods, once there he shifted and ran all the way there.

"I got to get to our mate." Damians wolf said.

"I know I am going as fast as we can."he said.

Few min later he knocked on the door, once it opened he saw Sarah parents, they looked worried.

Damian was still scratching "where is she? Is she ok" Damian asked.

"Ya she laying on the sofa. Come in" Sarah mom said.

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