chapter 2

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     She been going to the counselor for about a two weeks now. She was starting to feeling better but the pack was still treated her the same. With the counselor help, she been able to handle it. It's like they would push her down and the counselor would help her back up. she wish she could do it herself, that she was stronger. She doesn't tell the counselor everything, like why she took the medicine or that she was still taking it. She'd been really careful not to get caught, she only take it when she need to which is a few times a week. she's been hide the bottle under her mattress. Not sure what she will do when she runs out. Her dad just happened to have another bottle. Which is unusual, he only ever orders one bottle. So he doesn't even know it's missing. When she does run out she'll probably have to go back to sneaking into the office to steal it. hopefully she won't get caught. They just put her councilor meeting to three time a week, she'd hate to have to go all the time again.

There was a knock at her door.

"Who is it?" Sarah asked.

"It's mom can you unlock the door please?" her mom asked.

"Ya one min." she rushed to put the pills under her mattress and unlock the door "what up mom?" Sarah said as she started to feel the effect of the drugs.

"Dinner is ready are you coming down?" she asked looking at her.

"No I don't feel good I think I'll just lay down for a bit." Sarah said.

"Do I need to get your dad? This is the fourth time this week you've not felt good." she asked sounding worried. she pulled her hand to Sarah's forehead to check for a fever.

"No I just didn't sleep well that's all." Sarah said, pulling away from her hand.

"Ok but you have to have a big breakfast to make up for not eating dinner. Your getting too thin, you know you need a lot of calories for your wolf." she stated.

"I know mom, you tell me all the time." Sarah said rolling her eyes.

"Well I am your mom, it's my job." she said.

She glimpsed behind Sarah and saw her bed was a mess, and her mattress was not sitting on the bed frame right. she worried about it but brushed it off as a messy room.

"Well get some rest, I love you." she said as she left to finish making dinner.

"Love you too." she closed the door. *That was to close.* She thought.

As Tina came back down from Sarah's room. She looked at her mate with worried eyes.

"Is Sarah not joining us today?" Doc asked.

"No, she said she didn't sleep well and doesn't feel good." Tina said as she served out the pot-roast she had made.

"Why don't you guy's take your food into the living room and put a movie on." Doc said to the kids.

"Really dad? You're the best!" their youngest daughter angle said.

"Why thank you." he laughed as they left "Ok spill it, I can tell by the look on your face you're thinking something." Doc said digging into his bowl.

"Well she's not been feeling good a few time a week, I am getting worried. When I went up to her room just now, her bed was a mess and not just her sheet, her mattress was off the frame. At first I thought her room was a mess but I am wondering if shes hiding something." Tina said worried.

"Ok do you think I should talk to her?" Doc asked looking up at her.

"You could, but she probably lie to you." Tina said looking back at him.

"Do you want me to take a look in her room while she at school? I am not happy about going through her stuff, but if you think something is going on and I need to I will." Doc said a bit concerned.

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