chapter 13

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       It's the day of Sarah and Damian mate ceremony. Sarah put on her dress, her mom helped with hair and make up. The only thing left to do is to put on the belt. But Sarah had to wait till her dad came in to tie it for her, because no one knew the answer but her dad. Sarah did tell Damian that she will be revealing the baby gender today, but he didn't know how she will do it. Sarah thinks he's guessing its the cake, but it not. Her mom said she'll try not to scream, especially if it's a girl, she would really like that.


"come in" Sarah says.

"Hey how are you doing?" Doc asked.

"Nervous, what if he's not happy with what we're having?" Sarah asks.

"Now Sarah do you really think that or are you just being crazy? That man Wouldn't care if it had an extra leg, he'd still love it and you." her dad said hugging her "now let me tie this belt before we forget. Your mother would never forgive me if you came out without it." he laughed.

"Ya I know." Sarah said looking at the color of the belt, she couldn't help but tear up. Then they hear the music.

"Ok, last chance to run away." her dad said.

"Thanks dad but I am ready." Sarah said.

"I know you are and you are so beautiful to. You will be a great wife, mom, and maybe someday grandma." her dad said, Sarah hugged him tight right before the doors.

"Thank you dad it means a lot coming from you." Sarah said, then they walked through the doors.

As Sarah walked down the Isle everyone was standing. Then both families started shouting and clapping as a lot of people looked at the belt she was wearing. But all Sarah could do was look at Damian's face at it light up with a smile.

As she stood in front of him with a big smile, she said. "I hope you're happy with a boy or two." Hearing the news both families got loud again.

Damian's eyes went big. "are you serious twins?" he whispered.

Sarah shook her head "yes, twin boys". Damian grabbed her and carefully twirled her around, when he stopped he kissed her.

Alpha Tim said "not yet guys, I've not gotten there yet."

Causing both family to laugh.

"Now let's begin, Damian is there anything you want to say?" Alpha Tom asked.

"yes I do. Now I know it's been a long journey for us but yet so short. I've only known you for 2 years now and it's felt like I've known you forever. I know we want to wait till you were 18 to do so much like move here with me, have the mate ceremony, then have kids. Well it maybe a bit out of order but I Wouldn't have it any other way. I love you Sarah and I can't wait to start forever with you." Damian said.

Tim then asked "Sarah, do you want to say anything?"

"Yes I do. I know when we first met it wasn't ideal. Me being 16 and not old enough to having the bond between mates, but we made it work. There were days I thought I'd never get the bond and it scared me. Looking back, I think because of that are bond is stronger because we had to build a bond where there was none. Now, I know that your feelings and mine will never change, if it does it be for the better and grow with are sons. I love you Damian with my whole heart." Sarah said.

As Sarah looked At him, she saw pure love in his eyes  which made her happy. They finished the ceremony with Damian marking her. Sarah wish she could explain it but their just arent any words to explain such a wonderful thing. It made her feel happy, loved, excited and so excited for the honeymoon. The party was perfect and so much fun. Sarah and Damian danced together most of the night. Sarah danced with her dad and Damian's dad a few times. Damian danced with his mom and Sarah's mom a few times. When the party was about over and some people were starting to leave. Tammy showed up.

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