chapter 7

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      It been a week since the family dinner. Sarah's dad has gotten to know Damian and is starting to like him, which is nice. Sam and Luke are planning the mating ceremony. Sarah helped where she could, but Sam's a bit fancy compared to her, so she don't really care for Sarah's ideas. Sarah also noticed that Damian is a simple kinda guy, and Luke like the fancy stuff, which is why the moon goddess put them together. Sarah's been so happy, and stressed. she's been to her councilor a few times this week, she's only required to go once a week but sometimes, she goes just to talk. Most of the time it's about her and Damian's bond and how she feels like she is lacking and not worthy of him. Today was one of those days so she went to Jennys office to talk.

"Hey Sarah how have you been? I know your happy with Damian, but I want to know more about your other feelings." Jenny asked.

"I've been really happy with him, I hope I get the bond between us soon." Sarah said with a sigh

"now I haven't dealt with one side bond before, I'd say its stressful. Do you feel like he's feeling more and that Your missing out? Jenny asked.

"Ya sometimes." Sarah told her.

"Does it make you sad or depressed?" Jenny asked.

"Maybe jealous or frustrated would be a better word. He tells me all the time that he likes me. but I want to feel the tingles he feel, I want to feel the bond so I know its real." Sarah said sounding frustrated.

"Understandable, What about your depression, has that come back at all?" Jenny questioned.

"No" Sarah told her.

"What about wanting to use drugs?" Jenny asked.

"Nope, I havent really thought about them." Sarah told her.

"That's great. Have you told Damian anything about you past?" Jenny questioned know its a touchy subject.

"No" Sarah said looking down.

"Can I ask why not?" Jenny asked.

"I am ashamed, I was weak, and as a future Luna of his pack. I dont want him to think I am not capable of filling the shoes, because of my past." Sarah told her.

"I see, do you really think he would think that about you?" Jenny questioned.

"Yes...maybe.. No.. No he wouldn't think that about me. I am the one thinking it not him. He'd never say that." Sarah said to her.

"So do you think that's fair to him?" Jenny asked.

"No. But it's hard to tell people about your failures." Sarah told her sadly.

"Of course, anyone would be. We are social people and we care about what people think, because we want people to like us so we can have a big social life." Jenny said.

"Do you think I'll ever not worry about what other think?" Sarah questioned.

"No, but you can learn how to not let it control you and how to brush it off and stand strong when someone says something hurtful." Jenny told her.

"Really how?" Sarah asked.

Leaning forward in her chair and grabbing her hands "By knowing who you are. Say someone calls you ugly, if you know without a doubt that your Beautiful, Those words can't hurt you. The words people use are only true if you let them. Try to remember that." Jenny said.

Sarah smiling and said "I will."

"Well are times up. I guess I will see you next time. You know both you and Damian can come in and talk. We can talk about your past, present, or your futures. Jenny added.

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