chapter 3

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      Sarah had been asleep in the hospital most of the day. They pumped her stomach the night before. Her parents who were still in their night gown. her siblings came to visited after school. Her parents were worried and scared, they didn't know what to do for her. Hell they almost lost her. Her sister Sam, who was in a yellow jumpsuit, was their crying in the corner.

She was thinking it was her fault. That she should have been there for her. She knew she was having problems with the other teen since that party. Maybe it was time to tell her what happened but she doesn't seem to remember the party, let alone what happened. Why open a wound if she didn't have to, maybe it be best for her to talk to Tammy see if she can get her to back off. Her thoughts were interrupted by her mom talking.

"I thought she was doing ok." Tina said with red eyes.

Sam's phone went off as Alpha Travis walked in, seeing it was her collage she walked outside

"how is she Doc?" Alpha Travis asked.

"She is doing fine, she should be waking up soon." Doc said looking at her chart.

"That's good. What happened I thought we were getting better?" Alpha Travis asked.

"Not really sure. Some how she got a bottle of vicodin and she took to much. I am glad I forgot to ask her about dinner. If I didn't, I don't know what might have happened." Doc said sadness in his voice.

"Was she that close to an overdose?" Alpha Travis said worried.

"Ya. Not really sure where she got the bottle. The bottle was almost gone, she had to be taking quite a few." Doc added.

"I am sorry Doc, I wish there was a fix all button." Alpha Travis said.

"Ya me to. I do want to talk to you about what our options are." Doc said. His mate walked over to hear what they were saying.

"Well we can keep the with the counselor and see if she be ready to talk. Another idea is to send her to our neighboring pack, the Sliver Wolf pack. He's a good friend of mine so she'll be well taken care of." Alpha Travis said.

"How long would she stay there? Do you think she'll be able to come back before school starts again she only has one year left? And would they know about this? I hate for her to get teased for this, over there." Tina said asked concerned.

"As long as you all want, because in the end you are her parents and she not an adult yet. About school, if she still there when school starts she can take her finial year there. No one will know about this but the Alpha, the counselor I'd like her to see while she is there, and I will let the Dr. know so he'll know her medical history and to keep his medicine locked up." Alpha Travis said.

"That sounds good. Will we be able to visit often? I'd hate for her to think we sent her away and forgot about her." Tina said

"Ya you can visit, but how often depends on the Alpha. She'll be staying in the pack house so you can call all the time." Alpha Travis said.

"Does he have a mate? I think it'd be nice for her to have someone to talk to if she needs it." Tina said

"Yes he does, he also has 2 daughter's Taylor 14 and Kate 17 so she can talk to them and he also has 3 son Dan 13, Matt 16, Luke 19. They are good kids. The oldest is talking about doing a mate trip." Alpha Travis said with a grin

"You know Sam is 18 now and she asked me if she could talk to you both about doing a mate trip." Tina said looking at her mate.

"It's ok with me, I can have one of the males, travel with her for safety if you all want?" Alpha Travis said.

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