chapter 6

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It was the day of Sam and Luke mate party, they were so excited. Sarah and Sam were getting ready in their room. Sarah and Sam were zipping up their dresses, they both decided to go with sliver shoes, kinda goes with the name of the pack. Sarah's makeup was blue eye shadow light blush with a pink lipstick. Sam was gold eyes shadow with a light blush and red lipstick. Sarah did her hair half up half down with waves put in. Sam was down with waves in it, plus little diamonds in her hair. They looked beautiful and they both knew it. Thinking back Sarah couldn't think of the last time she said that about herself. so she had her sister take a picture with her phone so she'd always remember.

There was knock at the door.

It time girls. Someone said.

Ok be right out. they said at the same time, making them laugh.

I am so excited. Now remember, you will enter with Matt and the family, which will be before us. You and his family will sit at the table with mom dad and our brother and sister. Then we will come out and sit at our table. Then Alpha Tom, dad, and few other will make a speech. When thats over well eat then dance. Ok Sam told her again.

Yes sis, I know we talked about this earlier. Sarah laughed.

Right sorry. Im just a Little nervous. Sam said nervous.

It's ok, I am happy for you. Hugging each other. Now let's go before they knock again. they both laughed. Out the door they went.

They walked out of the room and their stood Matt and Luke both looking sharp in their suits. They took their arms, Sam and Luke went to the back of the group. while Matt and Sarah stood with the family by the ballroom doors.

You look beautiful Matt whispered.

Thanks, so do you Sarah said.

With that the music started and they walked into the ballroom. It was breathtaking, it was bright with light from the chandeliers. The wall were a light blue and their was a stage where the band was playing. The room was so big it had to have over a 200 tables, with Beautiful center pieces of white and red roses and crystals on the table. It was all so Beautiful, it was a bit mellow for Sam, she was always so fancy but it looked really nice.

They walked to their seats where Matt pulled her chair out.

Thanks Sarah said.

Your welcome Matt responded.

They sat and listened to Alpha Tom talk about how he loves his family and how proud he is of his son and how he hopes for long and happy life. Doc made a speech too, it was pretty similar to Alpha Tom but it was still very nice. There were a few other speeches but she wasn't paying much attention to them, because she felt like someone was watching her. As she was looking around she found a pair of bright blue eyes looking at her. he had blond hair and a blue suit on and even though he was sitting, she could tell he was tall. He looked angry, which shocked her. Not sure what to do she looked away.

Boy, is he good looking. that suit really brings out his eyes. Sarahs wolf said.

Ya, but he looks angry. Sarah though back.

Hey you ok? Matt leaned in to asks quietly.

Sarah shook her head yes.

After the speeches they served dinner which was steaks and potato, it was delicious. Her and Matt talked throughout the meal. Sarah enjoyed his company and a few times he had her smiling and laughing. After dinner was over they brought out dessert which was chocolate cake with strawberry's on top, which was delicious. As she was finishing her cake her dad walked over, it was strange not seeing him in his Dr. jacket.

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