chapter 5

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Sarah was having a hard time adjusting, the people were nice but that wasn't the problem, the problem was the nightmares she would have. She would wake up screaming her sister would sit and help her calm down till she fell asleep. She loved working in the garden it was so calming, their would be time in the middle of the night she would go there just to sit. She did have a relapse where she tried to break into the medical center but she couldn't, it was locked and it was a wood door, plus her sister followed her and told her to talk to her and tell her what's wrong. That was a long night, she was shaking and was feeling cold. When Sam called the Dr. came he told her it was the pills leaving her system and to let him know if it got any worse. After a few days of that she started to feel better, she had even gained a bit of weight which is hard to do being werewolf. Werewolf burn calories so fast we have to eat a lot to keep up, but to get ahead of it, to gain it is a challenge. Sarah met Jenny her counselor a few time during the weeks she is really nice, they have spent the time to get to know each other and how Sarah feels about Sam finding her mate and being out of the Blue Moon Pack. Which she is happy about both of them. She did tell Jenny about how she'd like to find her mate, and how she still thinks about using drugs and how hard it is to stay strong. Jenny gave her a few things to do when she thought about drugs. One was to write in a journal and to explain why she felt she need the drugs, hoping that will help her understand her feelings, Sarah promised to try. Their parents didn't get to visit as often as they wanted but Sarah call her mom and talked with her a few time during the week. There wasn't anything new at her old pack to really talk about, her mom did tell her how the hard core training was going for the girls who bullied her. It was kind of funny to hear, because those girls would never survive regular training let alone hard core, but she also felt bad about some of the girls who were just following Tammy. Sarah and Sam have been working in the Garden for a while now and Sarah can say she feels good after working in it. Like it help relive some of the tension she feels at time. Sam doesn't do to much in the garden, to busy hanging out with Luke, which she was ok with, gave her more time to spend in it. They have been doing so much together, like planning their found your mate party, going for walk, wolf runs, swimming a the pond, and even watching movies. They are so cute Sarah hope that she find her mate soon so she can do those thing with her someone special. But at the end of the day Sam takes the time with Sarah to listen to anything she has to say. Sam makes her feel like if she were to talk about the sky, Sam would listen like it was important, and that made Sarah feel good. Feeling good when she went to bed would give her good dreams, but sometime nothing helped. when the bad dream would come and she would wake up, Sam would be by her bed making sure she was ok.

It was one week before, Sam and Luke's would have there found your mate party, because its such a special moment in a werewolf life, they like to have a party to celebrate, you could call it an engagement party. Sam is so excited. While Sarah was working in the garden pulling weeds. When Sam came over she was wearing a purple dress, diffidently not dressed for working in the garden.

Want to go shopping for dresses this weekend, please It will be so much fun. Sam asked using her puppy dog face.

You don't need the face, I'd love to go. Sarah said.

Really great, I'll set up the details. Also I heard that some of Luke cousin are coming all the way from Texas. Sam told her.

Sarah though that is so cool, how it be fun to travel and see the world.

Maybe your mate will be one of them. Sam added wiggling her eyebrows.

Sam, I doubt it I am only 16 it rare to find them at 16. Sarah told her.

So, if he happens to be of age he may find you. Sam told her.

I dont know Sam seem like a stretch of your imagination. Sarah laughed.

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