chapter 8

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It has been 8 months, she and Damian have been on a ton of dates and endless kisses. At one point they almost went all the way but Sarah said she wanted to wait and Damian agreed. They talked about everything. he helped her a lot when she started to doubt herself. Sam was also there to help her when her nightmares returned, which have become less and less. She also finished high school, and a few colleges even offered her scholarship. which she didn't take. she wasnt into school and it just wasnt what she wanted. Sarah has finally gained all that weight she lost and Damian loves it. he knew Sarah was underweight so he always gave her to much food, so she gained it back pretty fast. Now that Sarah is physically healthy, she has been thinking about her mental health, and if she ready to go home. Not knowing what Tammy or the others will do scared her but Sarah knew she couldn't keep hiding from her past. she need to test herself to see if shes better or if it just temporary. Sarah is also worried about Damian. she wonder if the bond will make it hard for him to be away from her. If it's a problem they may let him stay at the Blue Moon Pack, but we'll have to see what happens. Sarah knew she would miss seeing him every day.

Sarah talked to Alpha Travis about taking the Luna class when she came back. he said that it would be a good idea and that his oldest daughter Grace would be taking it. With that thought she went to find Damian to tell him.

She found him in the kitchen, eating a sandwich.

"Eating again, didn't you just have lunch?" Sarah asked.

"Maybe, but I am a growing man." Damian said patting his belly, She chuckled.

"Hum, I think I am ready." Sarah told him.

"Ready for what?" He asked "can it be what I think it is." He winked.

"No, not that" Sarah laughed.

"I know, I was just kidding. So what is it your ready for?" Damian question. Taking a bite.

"I think I am ready to go home." Sarah said.

Damian stopped eating and looked at her "Really? Your sure?" he said worried.

"Ya, I can't keep hiding from my past. I need to face it to see if I can handle it." Sarah told him.

"Well I have faith in you. Have you talked to both Alphas about it yet?" Damian asked.

"No I want to talk to you first. I know we talked about me going back home before. Are you sure you'll be ok with me going and you staying?" Sarah asked concerned.

"Ya I think so, besides I can call and visit often." Damian said.

"I know, but what if the bond won't let you be that far away from me. You've seen Sam and Luke, there never more than 5 min apart." Sarah asked.

"We'll talk to the Alphas about it when the time comes. Besides we've learned that our bonds not as strong. I would love to go with you." He said Grabbing her waist. "but I really don't want to switch teacher again. Plus the Alphas want to test us, see how it goes. They haven't dealt with mates like us before." Damian said.

"Ya. like that time at the mall, with those guy." Sarah said.

"Ya, I was pretty jealous but I didn't feel like hurting them. Unlike Luke, he really wanted to hurt them, I am just glad he didn't." Damian told her.

"Ya, he looked like he would have. I would have felt bad if he had." Sarah said.

"Lets just say, any other werewolf would have. Us being Alpha blood helped us in not hurt them. That's probably why your dad actually hurt that guy at their mate party. Damian said with a chuckle.

"Ya so should we go talk to Alpha Tom now? Now that your done your third lunch." She teased.

"Ha-ha so funny." he warped his arm around her shoulder "Lets go." Damian said kissing her head.

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