opening ceremony

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Tuki stands in front of me. She is nervous. The outfit she has made is actually pretty. My hair is in a high ponytail, with two braids in front. There are some pieces of robe in the ponytail. I have no idea why. For makeup they put some brown eyeshadow on me, and made my eyebrows golden. They gave me some earrings that looks like corn glued together, except its golden. They also gave me a form of crown that looks like wheat. My boots are a shiny gold. They go up to my knees. The dress I have on goes to my thighs. It is white with gold at the ends. It doesn't have any sleeves. It stops with a simple white braid that goes all around my shoulders. I do have some golden sleeves that goes from my wrist to my armpit. I have a silver choker that looks like a sickle. Sam walks in. Even though I just met him I am still happy to see him. He has a similar outfit on. We stand in a circle. Me, Sam, Tuki, Sams stylist and both our prep team. Tuki looks at us. "Remember when you're in the air you pull the string" she says. "I know" I answer. We are taken down to the bottom floor of the arrival center which is nothing more than a huge barn. The opening ceremony is about to start. The different tribute pairs are placed in chariots that are pulled by two horses. Tuki helps me on the chariot. "You better catch me Sam" I say. "don't worry I will" he says looking straight forward. "We will see" I say. He smiles. "Wow, you look amazing". I turn to my right. Its Theodore. "Thank you I guess" I say. "You guys can do this" he says smiling. The ceremony starts.

 The horses pull the chariot.I hear people cheering. The people are in all colors of the rainbow. There is so many people. They are screaming and cheering. "Shit" I whisper to myself. "Don't worry everything will be fine" Sam assures me. "Are you ready?" he asks. "Always" I tell him. I stand in front of him. He puts his hands on my waist. Then he lifts me in the air. I'm in 1-2 meters height above Sam. I pull the string on my dress. It cuts the bottom half to pieces. A long dress unfolds. The top of the old dress sits as a shirt. The new dress is golden and is all the way to my feet. It has patterns sown in. I can't quite see what it is. The golden sleeves get ripped from my arms. I can here the people come with an "ouhh". Where the sleeves where is there now golden tattoos. I fall through the air. Sam catches me as planned. I try to catch my breath. He holds one arm under my knees and the other around my torso. "Are you okay?" he asks. "I'm fine" I say grinning. We laugh as he puts me back down beside him. We stand shoulder against shoulder. He puts his arm around me to show we are a team. "They are loving it" I whisper. The audience is going crazy. They throw flowers everywhere. I catch a red one in the air. I smell it. I move the rose towards Sam. He also smells it. We smile at each other. The chariot stops beside the others. District 12 comes in the middle and president Snow stand up on his podium. "Welcome. We welcome you" he says. I can't hear the rest he says because something is happening in my mind. I begin to remember the story of Lucy Gray.

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