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We are on the way to our rooms. Its been a long day and I am happy to get some sleep. Buuuut I have to do something first. Theodore follows me to my room. I stand in the open door. He is about to say something but I pull him in and push him up against a wall. "wow" he says surprised. I close the door. "why did you say that to Sam?" I ask.

"say what?"

"don't play dumb, you know what I am talking about"

"no, I don't"

"yes, you do. Sam is only a friend. Why are you so obsessed with me? We haven't even been on one date"

"oh that"

He says innocent. His Brown eyes look at me with admiration. One of his curls falls down over his eye.

"yes that, now please explain"

"there is just something special about you"

I give a look, showing I don't believe him.

"Really? That's the best you have?"

"it is true"

"maybe but its not the whole reason, is it?"

He sighs.

"fine if you insist. There is something special about you, but there is something else. I lost everything after the games. I had a girl best friend before. We were apart of a little small group that looked out for each other. Me, her and two other people. We were all orphans but escaped from the orphanage because its not the greatest. I got chosen for the hunger games. I would do anything to get back to them. I hid half of my games. When I had enough resources I began to fight. I killed many in there and I regret none of them. I came back and she at fallen extremely ill. She later died. Of course I still had the other two but it just wasn't the same. Snow tried to force me into stuff I didn't want. I refused. They couldn't kill my family since I didn't have one. Or so I thought. They killed everyone I had the slightest connection to. My friends, kids I played with when I was younger, even a Lady who was nice to me once. ONCE. And yet snow killed them all. The kids I mentored for also died. I was lost. I still am. But you. You are something else. You remind me of her. You are so similar and yet so different. Even though we just meet I feel like we have know each other for years. When Tessia pulled your name and you started walking I already knew you were something different"

That was beautiful.

"I suspect ⅕ is fake"

"what do you mean?"

"you told how amazing was 3 times. But thank you for telling me about her"

"of course"

Basically, what he said is I remind him of someone he lost which makes sense since he is so afraid of losing me.

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