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She holds me down just like Cora. Sam tries to help but before he can do anything Chase almost cuts him with his sword. Every man for them self. Paliett is about to finish me of with her axe. I get my hand free just in time to stop the axe from hitting my head. the blade almost touches my nose. I get my leg free and kick her in the stomach. She falls back. I decide to get rid of her, so I don't have to finish her late. Now its my turn to hold her down. the weapons lay out of reach, so I strangle her instead. I am far stronger than her. she tries to pull my hands of but she isn't strong enough. Then she tries to scratch. My hands turn red thanks to her fingernails, but I keep holding down on her throat. I feel sorry for her even though she tried to kill me multiple times. Her face begins turning blue as she gasps after air. She violently tires to get me of but its no use. I am far stronger and there is nothing she can do as she begins to lose consciousness. In that moment a memory fills my mind. My aunt she has strangled me one time before. I did the same as Paliett. Pulled, kicked, scratch. But nothing worked. Nothing could get her of. I was panicked and scared as the very woman who was supposed to protect me was trying to kill me. I remember pain. So much pain. She only let go when lost consciousness. I'm in the same situation right now expect I'm the one killing. In that little moment of my confusion that only last a second my grip loosens. Not enough for her to breathe again but enough to give her hope. She turns to the side having her leg free and kicks me in the chest. It's a hard kick. I fall to the ground. It only hurts for a second. As Paliett gasp after air and coughs I pick up the spear lying beside me. I don't want to do it. I don't want to kill her, but I have to. If I want me or Sam to survive, I have to kill her. as I rise towering over her I see something in the corner of my eye. I turn my head just in time to see an arrow heading straight for my throat.

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