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Its night. I cant sleep. I have been laying here for hours. I want as much sleep as I can since I'm going in the arena tomorrow. I walk into the living room. I Sit in one of the chairs in the kitchen. After some time Theodore comes. "you should sleep" he says.

"I know, but I can't."

"Let me get you a glass of water."

He quietly walks over to the sink. I watch as he fills a cup with water. He gives it to me. "drink up". I know he put something in my water. Honestly, I don't care. I drink it all. His eyes follows me with every move. I begin to feel tired. My eyes begin to close. Sleep medicine is what he put in. where did he get that? He picks me up. With one arm under my knees and the other around my torso he carries me to my bed. As he put a blanket around me, he leans down and Kiss my forehead.

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