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For hours we sit and talk. We talk about everything. We talk about our home. Our district. Our family. Nobody died today. They lay down in our "beds". Even though its night its still hot. Sam lays in the hole beside mine. I decided to take the first sift. I sit on the hill watching over the others. I have my sickle in my hand. I look around with my binoculars. The careers are back at the cornucopia. I wonder where the other tributes are. It's a bit weird nobody has died today. With so many people in the forest I wonder if its more than its seems. Maybe its longer than I expected. I hear a sound. I turn around. It came from the forest. I almost didn't hear it. It wasn't loud but I think it was since I could hear it from far away. it was like if somebody hit a tree. Hard. I look towards the forest. I can only see its silhouette. The fog and the dark make it hard to see but I think I can see some birds. I squint my eyes. Looks like they are flying away from a tree. I wonder if it was the same thing I saw earlier. Must be a tribute. Or it could be a mut. One of the capitols mutations. Whatever it is, we need to be careful. 

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