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Everyone stared blankly for a bit of Junhui, seemingly trying to judge his personality based on looks. The silence was broken by the third oldest, Joshua.

"Jun how good to see you!" Joshua got up to give him a hug.

"Huh Joshuji how do you know Junhui" Jeonghan questioned, with a puzzled look on his face.

"I met up with him and Wonwoo when I went back to the states earlier this year" Joshua smiled at the group of friends, his arm now around Jun's shoulders. "How have you been?"

"Not too bad how about you?" Jun patted his chest.

"Oh I've been great!" Joshua smiled.

Slowly but surely, the whole group greeted Junhui..well all except for Minghao and Mingyu. Eventually Junhui had said his greetings to everyone and was now staring at Minghao in a peculiar manner. Wonwoo's eyebrows furrowed, his lips parted, about to ask Junhui what was wrong.

"Minghao?" Junhui tilted his head to the side questioning. Minghao's cheeks flushed and his eyes widened, silence filled the room. After a while he finally spoke.

"Sorry do I know you?" Minghao blankly stated, looking away.

"Um my mistake, I just used to know someone who looked a lot like you" Junhui smiled at him. Wonwoo looked over at Mingyu and waited for him to introduce himself, but instead he was met with silence. Junhui cleared his throat in an attempt to eliminate the awkwardness.

"Mingyu right? I'm Junhui but you can call me Jun" Jun reached out his hand to initiate a handshake. Mingyu stared at it for a while before reluctantly shaking it too.

"Nice to meet you Jun" Mingyu quietly said, pressing his lips together after he spoke.

Mingyu stared at Junhui as he put his arms around the love of his life pulling him in close. Wonwoo could feel the burning sensation of Mingyu's eyes on him.

"Wonwoo, mind if we talk outside?" Mingyu asked.

"Oh, sure" Wonwoo untangled himself from Junhui and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back soon" They smiled at each other before letting go. Wonwoo followed Mingyu through the busy restaurant until they reached the balcony that overlooked the garden seating. They stood in silence, leaning against the railing, Mingyu finally broke the silence.

"What the hell Wonwoo"


"No, what the actual hell, you said that you would be back for me. You said that when you came back we could be together again" Mingyu said angrily. "So why have you come back to Korea with a boyfriend?"

"Mingyu it's not like you didn't have girlfriends and boyfriends whilst I was gone!" Wonwoo fought back. "Joshua told me about Lisa when he came to visit me in the states" tears formed in his eyes.

"Lisa?" Mingyu thought that name rung a bell but he couldn't quite place it. Wait, he only had a fling with that girl. "What? She was so insignificant I don't even remember her"

"Well when Joshua said that to me only a couple months after I left Korea, I took that as a sign you moved on" Wonwoo said sadly.

"Okay well even so, I waited for you, I knew no one was right for me except for you Wonwoo" Mingyu argued

"I was lonely in America and that's where I met Jun. Do you know what it's like to feel wanted? To have someone doing the chasing and not yourself." Wonwoo took a deep breath "You know exactly how that feels because I chased after you our whole relationship. I finally have someone who will follow me to the ends of the Earth, instead of someone who would make me follow them."

"Won you were mine why can't you be mine again" He held Wonwoo's hands.

"Mingyu... it's over, that ship has sailed. We aren't high schoolers anymore. You're the one who moved on first so don't blame me" Wonwoo looked away.

"I didn't move on they were all just stupid flings" Mingyu retorted.

"Well Mingyu do you know much it hurt to be told about all your flings whilst I was thousands of kilometres away?" Wonwoo began to cry. "You broke me first Mingyu, don't be surprised I moved on when you did too" Wonwoo removed his hands from Mingyu to walk back inside.


"Don't. There is nothing between us now but distance" Wonwoo walked back into the restaurant.

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