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Wonwoo stepped into the quaint florist shop, the sweet fragrance of blossoms enveloping him like a comforting embrace. His eyes scanned the vibrant array of blooms, searching for the perfect flowers to adorn the wedding venue—a task that felt daunting in light of his inner turmoil.

Lost in thought, he didn't notice the familiar figure browsing the floral arrangements until he heard a voice that sent shivers down his spine.


Turning around, Wonwoo's breath caught in his throat as he locked eyes with Mingyu, standing a few feet away amidst a sea of flowers. Time seemed to stand still as they regarded each other, the weight of unspoken apologies hanging heavy in the air.

"Mingyu," Wonwoo murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

A moment of silence stretched between them, fraught with tension and unresolved emotions. Then, Mingyu stepped forward, a hesitant smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"I didn't expect to see you here," Mingyu said softly, his gaze searching Wonwoo's face for any sign of forgiveness.

Wonwoo's heart ached at the sight of Mingyu's remorseful expression, a stark reminder of the love they had once shared. Yet, beneath the pain lay a glimmer of understanding—a willingness to let go of the past and embrace the present.

"I'm here to pick out flowers for the wedding," Wonwoo explained, gesturing to the vibrant blooms surrounding them.

Mingyu nodded, his gaze lingering on the pristine white roses displayed nearby. "White roses... you're favourite."

Wonwoo's heart clenched at the significance of Mingyu's words, a bittersweet reminder of the life they could have had together. "Yes, they're perfect."

As they perused the assortment of flowers, a tentative conversation unfolded between them—filled with apologies left unsaid and wounds yet to heal. Mingyu spoke of his regrets, of the pain he had caused Wonwoo by making him his second choice. And Wonwoo, in turn, acknowledged the hurt but chose to focus on the present rather than dwell on the past.

"I'm sorry, Wonwoo," Mingyu said, his voice laced with sincerity. "For everything."

Wonwoo met Mingyu's gaze, his heart heavy with emotion. "I accept your apology, Mingyu. But some wounds take time to heal."

With a silent understanding, they let the weight of their unspoken words linger in the air—a silent acknowledgment of the complexities of their past and the uncertain path that lay ahead.

As they parted ways, Wonwoo couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them, intertwined yet forever apart.


Wonwoo stood amidst the bustling wedding preparations, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The scent of fresh flowers mingled with the sound of chatter and organisation, but to Wonwoo, it all felt like a facade, masking the truth he couldn't bear to confront.

As he meticulously arranged the seating chart, his thoughts wandered to Mingyu—the one he had once loved with all his heart. Mingyu's absence from the wedding preparations was a glaring void, a stark reminder of their separation. The day Wonwoo had dreamed of since he was 15 was perfect, and everything he had organised for the wedding was exactly how he imagined, except for the groom.

"Are you okay, Wonwoo?" Jun's voice interrupted his reverie, pulling him back to the present.

Wonwoo forced a smile, masking the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. "I'm fine, just caught up in the details."

But Jun, ever perceptive, could sense the unease in Wonwoo's demeanor. His eyes softened with concern, a silent question hanging in the air.

"It's just... there's so much to do, and I can't shake off this feeling of uncertainty," Wonwoo confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jun reached out, gently squeezing Wonwoo's hand in reassurance. "You're not alone in this, Wonwoo. We're in this together."

Yet, even Jun's comforting words couldn't quell the lingering doubts in Wonwoo's heart. The weight of expectations bore down on him, suffocating him with each passing moment.

As the days dwindled down to the wedding day, Wonwoo found himself consumed by a sense of impending doom. The thought of pledging his love to Jun, knowing that it would forever be tainted by the ghost of Mingyu, filled him with a profound sense of regret.

Amidst the flurry of final preparations, Wonwoo stole moments of solitude, seeking solace in the quiet corners of his mind. But even in the stillness, the echoes of uncertainty reverberated, a constant reminder of the unspoken desires he dared not acknowledge.

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