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Mingyu was laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Him and Wonwoo hadn't spoken ever since him and Junhui got engaged. He slowly stood up and walked out to the living room where Minghao was watching Avatar The Last Airbender. Mingyu plopped down next to him.

"Almost done?" Mingyu asked.

"Yeah, Aang and Katara just kissed." Minghao responded.

"To be honest I enjoyed Zuko and Katara more, you know fire and water. Opposites attract." Mingyu laughed. (please tell me you guys have seen that interview where Mingyu says Wonwoo is fire and Mingyu is water)

"Yeah but Aang and Katara don't have all that bad history you know?" Minghao replied and Mingyu slowly nodded.


"Hm?" Minghao turned to look at Mingyu.

"...Why were you upset about Junhui and Wonwoo getting engaged?" There was silence for an awkwardly long time, before Minghao finally spoke.

"You cannot say anything to anyone." Minghao said sternly.

"Okay?..." Mingyu replied cautiously.

"Jun is my ex-boyfriend from high school. The one who dumped me before senior year. He had graduated and his dad didn't approve of us two because my family are kind of controversial back home. He sent Jun to America and that's where he met Wonwoo." Mingyu just looked at Minghao shocked. "And I still sort of... kind of... really have feelings for him."

"You can't have feelings for that guy he cheated on Wonwoo!" Mingyu responded, surprised and angry.

"Yeah I know."


"He cheated with me." Minghao responded plainly and Mingyu's jaw almost fell open.

It was quiet and then Mingyu's face lit up.

"You still like him, I still love Wonwoo..." Mingyu started. "This wedding cannot happen."

"You're right. But what can we do? Clearly they've both made a choice and it's each other."

"I'm not sure... maybe I should talk to Seokmin about my feelings." Mingyu suggested.

"Oh god he really ripped into me when he found out we fucked." Minghao said reminiscing.

"He's right about most things though." Mingyu added.

"Yeah." Minghao looked away. "What about Seungcheollie? There's no one who cares more about Wonwoo than him. He could help us figure out a way."

"Okay. You make amends with Seokmin, I'll talk to Seungcheol. Also it seems as though Shua and Junhui have become close. Maybe talk to him too." Minghao nodded and Mingyu stood up to go back to his room. "If this goes wrong we could lose both of them forever."

"I cannot lose Wonwoo again. This time, we'll do it right."


"Cheol, what's up!" Mingyu said, hugging him. They met up in the cafe near Mingyu and Minghao's apartment.

"Nice to see you Gyu. So what's so urgent you wanted to meet up like this?" Seungcheol smiled at him.

"I need your advice on something." Mingyu began.

"I'm all ears."

"Okay so... you know that work trip I went on?" Seungcheol nodded in response. "Well something happened whilst I was there."

"Which is...?" Seungcheol questioned.

"Wonwoo and I slept together." Seungcheol's eyes widened so big Mingyu thought they were going to pop out.


"That's all you have to say?" Mingyu whined.

"Sorry. Let me rephrase. Big yikes. Before I judge, why did this happen?" Seungcheol perked one of his eyebrows up.

"You cannot tell anyone."

"Lips are sealed." Seungcheol made a hand motion of zipping his lips.

"Okay well. He told me Junhui was cheating on him." Seungcheol's mouth was wide open now. "Don't speak because that's not it. Junhui was cheating with Minghao."

"WHAT!" Other customers turned to look at them and Seungcheol politely apologised for his outburst. He turned back to Mingyu and said "What?"

"After all of that I really wanted Wonwoo back. He's my soulmate please help me out."

"Gosh. Okay. First things first. This is the most fucked up thing I've ever heard. Second, this wedding cannot happen." Seungcheol stated.

"So you think I should try and get him back?"

"First of all that shouldn't be your priority, getting Wonwoo out of that situation is what my priority is right now." Seungcheol clasped his hands together. "Look, I'll talk to him. Try to convince him this isn't a good idea. You stay away until I tell you he's ready to talk to you."

"Hmph. Okay." Mingyu responded begrudgingly.


"Seokmin I'm really sorry." Minghao spoke over the phone. "My actions were nowhere near forgivable but please listen to me."

"Minghao you and Mingyu hurt Wonwoo so much. I can't stand seeing him like that." Seokmin responded.

"Yes I know and that's why I want to bring them together again." Minghao spoke and Seokmin interrupted.

"Seriously Minghao? Don't ruin his happiness again he's with Junhui happily." Seokmin said angrily.

"No he's not Junhui's cheating." Minghao decided to get straight to the point.

"What?!" Seokmin yelled through the phone. "What do you mean?!"

"I'm in love with Wen Junhui and I know Wonwoo still loves Mingyu. Please help me."

"What are you on about Minghao."

"Seokmin this is my only chance at making all four of us happy." A moment of silence buzzes through the phone.

"....Okay. I'll help you."

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