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*this chapter is about what happened between junhao when meanie went to japan*

Minghao woke up with the feeling of wind on his neck, he desperately tried to get rid of it before he realised what it was. Wen Junhui. Minghao was lying in Wen Junhui's bed, naked, and being cuddled. He let out a chuckle and snuggled in closer to Junhui, which made Junhui tighten his grip on Minghao's waist.

"Junnie~" Minghao lightly tapped his cheek. "Wake up"

"Mm.. 5 more minutes." Junhui squeezed his eyes shut even harder and Minghao just laughed.

"Okay." They laid in comfortable silence. "Jun..."

"Yes baby?"

"How long can we do this for?" Minghao asked, he could feel his eyes start to sting.

"Forever baby, I'm always yours." Junhui cupped his face and Minghao leaned into his touch, pecking his lips.

Eventually the two got up to go to the kitchen and prepare breakfast. As Junhui opened the fridge, his phone rang and he picked it up.


"Junnie how are you?" Joshua's voice came through the other side of the phone.

"I'm good Shua, how are you and Jeonghan?" Junhui replied with a smile on his face.

"We are doing well! A couple of us were going to brunch today at 11 and were wondering if you wanted to come? It's us, Seokmin and Soonyoung, and we haven't asked Minghao yet but I'm sure he'll be coming along." Joshua said excitedly through the phone and Junhui chuckled.

"Okay I'll be there, text me the address." Junhui said a few more words before hanging up.

"What was that about?" Minghao asked, walking over to hug Junhui.

"Joshua invited us to brunch... well he invited me and said he was going to ask you."

"Oh great!" Minghao smiled and looked at his phone just in time for a text from Joshua to come through.

Joshua 🦌
Hi Hao!! We're going to brunch at 11 in Shining Diamond with Seokmin, Soonyoung and Junhui if you want to join! :D


Junhui and Minghao arrived together, but entered the restaurant at different times to avoid questions. They sat across from each other on the  6 person table and began conversing.

"So Junhui, I understand you and Wonwoo's third anniversary is the day he comes back from Japan." Jeonghan stated, smiling.

"Yes, how'd you know?" Junhui asked, a bit confused.

"Oh Shua told me." Jeonghan pointed at the man next to him and Joshua smiled, Junhui smiled back politely. "I'm sure you're missing him more than ever right now, don't worry I'm sure Mingyu is taking good care of him." Junhui smile faltered at the mention of Mingyu's name, not in a jealous way, but in a way that felt sour, like he was ruining Junhui's life. Jeonghan seemed to notice this because he quickly tried to correct himself. "Not in that way of course... him and Wonwoo are history, besides someone here must be missing Mingyu." Jeonghan looked at Minghao reassuringly, almost asking for help bus Minghao looked like a deer caught in head lights.

Joshua chuckled at Jeonghan's antics and Soonyoung and Seokmin just looked confused.

"Sorry Jeonghan what do you mean?" Soonyoung tilted his head to the side.

"Oops." Jeonghan put a hand of his mouth. Junhui looked at Minghao with an eyebrow raised, equally as confused as everyone.

"Minghao? What's he talking about?" Seokmin pressed further, hoping they didn't mean what they were implying. Minghao sighed and placed both his hands on the table, starting to speak.

"We're just friends."

"Friends don't get caught fucking in my bedroom on New Year's Eve." Jeonghan said, in a bitter tone. Not one that was meant to patronise Minghao, but one that meant, 'seriously? out of all places my room'.

"Minghao? What the fuck?" Seokmin almost yelled. Junhui looked a bit stressed at this point, also a bit annoyed that the boy Minghao was so hung up on the first time they dated was still in his life in a more intimate way now.

"Seokmin-" Minghao tried to get a word in.

"You cannot just fuck our best friend and Wonwoo's ex. Are you kidding me? You and Mingyu must have no respect for Wonwoo, his sleepless nights were because of you two, and now you make it worse?" Seokmin began to argue.

"Seokmin calm down." Joshua said. "Why is this upsetting you so much?"

"Seriously? None of you are upset too? I watched Wonwoo break apart from Mingyu and Minghao's actions and now they've gone and done this with no respect. You two live together. What next? Are you going to announce you're married?" Seokmin got louder and eventually Jeonghan deescalated the situation by asking Soonyoung to take Seokmin outside.

"Well, I might just head home now." Junhui said, getting up to leave.

"Jun-" Minghao called out but he had already left. "Great."

"Don't worry about it Hao, I'll support you no matter who it is you want to be with." Joshua reached out to hold his shoulder and squeeze it.

"Thanks Shua, but don't promise that."

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