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In the heart of Venice, beneath the moonlit canals, Mingyu nervously clutched a small velvet box in his pocket as he and Wonwoo strolled along the cobblestone streets. The scent of salt from the water ways filled the air, but Mingyu's mind was consumed with thoughts of his beloved.

As they reached a quiet bridge overlooking the Grand Canal, Mingyu's heart pounded with anticipation. He took a deep breath and turned to face Wonwoo, whose eyes sparkled with affection under the Italian moonlight.

"Wonwoo," Mingyu began, his voice trembling with emotion. "From the moment I met you, my life has been filled with joy and love. You've been my rock, my confidant, and my everything. Even through my mistakes you stood by me and loved me endlessly."

"Mingyu what are you talking about?" Wonwoo chuckled in confusion. "Why are you being sappy all of sudden." Wonwoo smiled at him.

Wonwoo's breath caught in his throat as Mingyu dropped to one knee, a velvet box glinting in his hand. Inside, a silver band with the shiniest diamond Wonwoo had ever seen.

"Will you spend the rest of your life with me? Will you marry me, Wonwoo?"

Tears welled up in Wonwoo's eyes as he gazed at Mingyu, overwhelmed by the depth of his love.

"Is this real?" Wonwoo whispered out loud.

"Yes babe, I'm asking you for your future to be intertwined with mine." Mingyu spoke, a hint of nervousness on his voice. Wonwoo looked at him with the utmost adoration in his eyes.

"Yes, Mingyu," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "A thousand times yes."

With tears of joy streaming down their faces, Mingyu slipped the ring onto Wonwoo's finger, sealing their love in the enchanting embrace of Venice. He stood up and cupped Wonwoo's face, pulling him into a long kiss.

They pulled apart and stared into each other's eyes for a while, soaking in the moment. Wonwoo instantly lit up once the feeling set in that he was engaged.

"What season should we have our wedding in? I've already picked out the flowers and colour scheme, but where should we have it?" He said quickly, not stuttering once. Mingyu chuckled at the sight and leaned in to kiss him again, making Wonwoo flustered.

"I don't know babe, you're the expert. This won't be your first rodeo." Mingyu joked and Wonwoo looked at him angrily. "I'm only kidding love." He bent down so his lips were almost touching Wonwoo's. "I'll make sure this wedding is better than your first." He kissed him again.

"Stop trying to make me happy." Wonwoo pouted once they pulled apart. He sighed, questioning once again, "how are we even going to afford this." Mingyu cocked his eyebrow up at Wonwoo, seemingly confused.

"Babe, don't you remember why we're on this trip?" Wonwoo looked at Mingyu confused. "It's probably the proposal euphoria and my handsome face making you forget." Mingyu joked and Wonwoo slapped his chest. "Calm down love." Mingyu said gently, caressing Wonwoo's face, making him instantly melt at the touch. "Namjoon and Minhyun were moved to the Tokyo branch, we replaced them. Remember?"

Wonwoo's eyes widened and the events of the past year suddenly hit him. Their seniors had been promoted, meaning him and Mingyu were replacing them as heads of the Computer Science and Marketing departments. Which also meant, both of their incomes had an extra zero placed at the end of each of them. They both didn't know how to react to the sudden influx of money, seven figures at their young ages was a lot and the certainty of it increasing as the years went by drove Wonwoo insane. In a good way.

So they booked a trip to Italy. It barely made a dent in their income but here they were, and Wonwoo just got engaged.

"Hello? Earth to Wonwoo~" Mingyu waved a hand in front of his face.

"Mingyu we're rich!" Wonwoo expressed excitedly, throwing himself into Mingyu's arms, Mingyu catching him with ease, spinning him around. Mingyu laughed, holding his waist tighter.

"I see you finally remembered." Mingyu responded, Wonwoo nodded into the crook of his neck. "Not that you ever had to worry though, since I'm paying for the wedding." Wonwoo pulled away from the hug instantly.

"What!?" He exclaimed. "No way. This is being split fairly."

"There's something I've been hiding from you." Mingyu said, a little nervous. Wonwoo looked concerned. "It's nothing bad, but when we got our first pay check at the beginning of the year I bought a few properties." Wonwoo still looked worried so Mingyu grabbed his hands, reassuring him. " I've been renting them out, making some passive income at the same time. I have, more than enough to give you this dream wedding."


"Shhh. Don't say a word love." Mingyu kissed him, soft and slowly. "This is forever now, I'll be taking care of you."

"You don't need to-"

"I want to." Mingyu cut him off. They gazed into each other's eyes, smiling. Wonwoo pulled Mingyu into a warm embrace, and they swayed back and forth underneath the warm moonlight, to the rhythm of the soft music from the local square.

I've started a new story called Kiss You check it out!

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