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"You okay?" Mingyu asked, looking concerned at Wonwoo as he twiddled with his thumbs.

"Yeah, just cold I guess." Wonwoo lied. He didn't do it often but when he did it was for a good reason.

"Don't lie"


"You can't look me in the eyes when you lie. You've never been able to do it" Mingyu replied. A red tinge seeped through Wonwoo's skin into his cheeks as he looked up as Mingyu. "I know this whole thing is making you uncomfortable"

"It's not that" Wonwoo sighed. "I'll tell you later"

"Okay..." Mingyu still wasn't convinced but decided against pushing Wonwoo further. "Can I put my hand on your back?" Wonwoo hesitantly nodded and Mingyu nestled his hand in the small of Wonwoo's back. "Let's sit you down"

Mingyu and Wonwoo were sat next to each other, with Namjoon and Minhyun on their sides and Sana, Momo and Mina sat across from them.

"Oh Momo and Mina I was just telling Minhyun how cute these two are" Sana gestured towards Wonwoo and Mingyu.

"Wow you two make a very stunning couple" Momo said, staring at them.

"Oh... thank you" Wonwoo gave a small smile.

"How long have you been together?" She asked.

Wonwoo and Mingyu turned to each other, unsure if the other would respond. Mingyu thought about all the things he could say. One year? That would be a lie. If they got together when Mingyu was 15 and Wonwoo was 16 - and they had never broken up of course - they would've been together for 6 years already. Mingyu looked towards Wonwoo who seemed to be giving him the permission to answer dishonestly.

"Um 6 years." Mingyu spoke. "Since I was 15 and he was 16"

"That's so adorable!" Sana put her elbows on the table and rested her chin in her hands. "What do you like about each other? I need to know the secret to a long and happy relationship."

Once again Wonwoo and Mingyu looked at each other, this time a look of shock displayed on both their faces. Suddenly Mingyu's face softened and Wonwoo felt a lot safer in his presence.

"His nose scrunches when he laughs too hard" Mingyu started. "And we don't fight even though our personalities are entirely different... and we don't give up on each other"

Wonwoo could feel his lip trembling a bit, that last part of Mingyu's response wasn't true at all. Wonwoo had given up once, 4 years ago to be precise, and Mingyu had forgiven him.

"I like the way Mingyu cooks for me when he knows I need it... and when he mispronounces words I almost die of adoration." Wonwoo added to the conversation.

The three women gushed at them, giggling and whispering to each other.

"Seriously Minhyun and Namjoon where did you find these boys?!" Momo asked.

"Well they found their way to Atlantic and they're helping us make it a better place. Speaking of Atlantic..." Minhyun obviously was starting to say something about the deal, but Wonwoo couldn't hear him. He was stuck on what Mingyu said, trapped in his memories of him before they seperated.

"I need some air." Wonwoo mumbled quickly and stood up to find the exit.

"What?" Mingyu could barely get a word in before Wonwoo had already left. Mingyu looked at the people around him who seemed to have stopped their conversation when they noticed Wonwoo's absence. Mingyu cleared his throat, "Excuse me he's just feeling a little light headed"

He stood up and turned around just in time to see Wonwoo exiting the hall. Mingyu swore he walked to find Wonwoo but if you asked anyone else there they'd generously describe it as a paced jog. Mingyu finally found him standing outside in the courtyard near a fountain.

"Hey Bitterie" Mingyu said softly, approaching him, extending his arm out to place his hand on his shoulder.

"Sweetie..." Wonwoo replied quietly looking at the floor.

"What's wrong?" Mingyu asked gently, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly.

"I'm sorry Min, for giving up on us"

"What do you mean Won?" Mingyu looked concerned.

"I couldn't handle being away from you for so long, I didn't want to hold you back from seeing other people because it's be selfish to tell you to wait. That's why I broke up with you." A few tears slipped out of Wonwoo's eyes and he let out a choked sob.

"Oh Wonnie..." Mingyu pulled him in for a hug. "You're the most selfless person I know. Why is this making you upset? You've found your person now."

"No" Wonwoo shook his head and sobbed into Mingyu's chest. "He's... he-" Wonwoo felt the air escaping his lungs, only returning once Mingyu rubbed his back gently. "He's cheating on me!"

"What?!" Mingyu almost yelled. "Wonwoo please tell me you're joking"

"No I'm not I saw his texts with the other person. He told me he was going to work but instead..." A choked sob came out.

"Oh Wonnie..." Mingyu rubbed his back. "He doesn't deserve you"

"I don't know what to do. I have to stay with him"

"What? Why?"

"His dad is paying for my college fees" Mingyu sighed at Wonwoo's response.


"Mingyu it'll be a while before I start making the amount I need to pay it off. I have to stay with him." Wonwoo cried.

"Oh Bitterie..." Mingyu held him tighter. "Let's go back to the room, I'll let them know you felt tired." Wonwoo nodded into his chest, holding Mingyu close for a few more minutes.

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