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Mingyu led Wonwoo to the bed and sat him down, rubbing his arms.

"You don't have to say anything else." Mingyu started, gently squeezing Wonwoo's thin arms, "but I'm here to talk if you need it"

Wonwoo nodded in response, he remained looking at the floor twiddling his thumbs in a gentle manner.

"Here's your pyjamas." Mingyu handed the satin purple set to him and Wonwoo took it.

"Thanks." A few tears slipped out of his eyes but he couldn't be bothered to wipe them, instead a gentle hand came up to do it for him. Wonwoo looked up at Mingyu, tears in his eyes and his lips trembling.

"Oh Bitterie..." Mingyu gently cupped his face. "Get changed and wash your face you'll feel better." Wonwoo nodded in response and stood up to walk over to the bathroom.

"Thank you Min."


Wonwoo stepped out of the bathroom and stood in shock at the sight before him. His whole suitcase was unpacked and placed in the closet space beside him and the bed was neatly done again, his comfort, small cat plush was leaning against the pillow causing him to blush out of embarrassment. Mingyu was laid down on the couch, mindlessly scrolling.


"Oh Wonwoo you're done!" Mingyu smiled through his words. "Give me 5 minutes!" He bolted to the bathroom.

True to his word, 5 minutes later he was out of the bathroom, hair sopping wet, wearing grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt. He put a towel to the top of his head, urgently trying to dry it.

"Mingyu can we talk... I just need to get this off my chest." Mingyu's face softened and he nodded, making his way over to sit beside Wonwoo on the bed so that both their backs were against the headboard. Wonwoo took the towel from Mingyu, helping him dry his hair.

"What's wrong Bitterie?" Mingyu reached a hand out and placed it gently on Wonwoo's knee.

"I'm lost, I feel worthless. I gave him 2 years of my life and he does this. Who am I? Am I even wanted by anyone." Tears began to rush out of Wonwoo's eyes again but Mingyu's hands extended to wipe them away.

"You are wanted." Mingyu began, caressing Wonwoo's cheeks with his thumbs. "By me. I want you and I cherish you." He shuffled closer until their knees were touching.

"Mingyu-" Wonwoo tried to reciprocate Mingyu's word but they were stuck in his throat. "You're so caring." He leaned into Mingyu's touch and Mingyu cupped his face this time.

"Won" Mingyu's eyes flickered down to Wonwoo's lips, pink with a tinge of red and glistening under the hotel room light. He slowly started to lean closer to Wonwoo's face, close enough that he could feel Wonwoo's breath hitch.

"Min..." Wonwoo's eyes came to a close as he anticipated a kiss. He imagined what would come next, a slow passionate kiss that would bring them back together. He could feel Mingyu inching closer, his breath was bouncing off Wonwoo's nose at this point and Wonwoo gently parted his lips , patiently waiting. Just as Mingyu was about to press his lips against Wonwoo's soft, pillow-like ones...

Bzzz... Bzzz... Bzzz

Mingyu pulled away from shock at the loud sound and turned to where it was coming from. He cursed inwardly as he looked at his phone ringing on the couch. How could he forget to turn it off? He almost ignored it before he saw a familiar name at the top of the screen, once he saw it he almost scrambled to pick it up.

"Mingyu?" Wonwoo let out a dejected call and almost sobbed but held it in. Mingyu had his back to him now, grabbing his phone from the couch.

"Sorry Wonnie Minghao's calling me... it must be urgent!" Mingyu stepped out onto the balcony and Wonwoo watched him with sad eyes.

"That's okay..." He mumbled, tucking himself further into the bed and trying hard to silence his sobs. Wonwoo laid curled up, his heart ached, once again he had been left in the dust by Mingyu, for Minghao. Four years and nothing had changed, Wonwoo thought to himself.

He would never be Mingyu's priority.

Soon too much air had been sucked out of his lungs and he felt himself drifting into unconsciousness. By the time Mingyu came back inside, Wonwoo was already fast asleep. To Mingyu he looked peaceful but really Wonwoo was dreaming about Mingyu leaving him, once again.

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