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"Oh." Mingyu stared at the sight in front of him, a singular bed against the wall on the right and pressed up against the window was a small couch. The bed had white sheets, and what shook him to his core were the rose petals shaped like a heart on the bed, and a bottle of champagne in the middle. He took a few steps back towards the main door. "I'll go down stairs and let them know"

"It's okay Mingyu we can call them from here." Wonwoo finally came to his senses and walked over to the bedside table where the phone was. He punched in a few numbers and brought the phone up to his ear, listening to it ring 3 times before it picked up.

"Hello, Osaka Hilton Reception how can I help you?"

"Hi, it seems like we've been put in the wrong room. My full name is Jeon Wonwoo and the other person staying in the room's surname is Kim"

"Kim Jisoo and Jung Haein?" They asked. "For the honeymoon suite?"

"No, Kim Mingyu and Jeon Wonwoo." Wonwoo furrowed his eyebrow in confusion.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry there's been a mix up, the surnames were too similar." They apologised.

"That's quite alright" Wonwoo stated just wishing for this awkward moment to pass.

"Well it seems like your actual room would be a downgrade so keep the suite as an apology and we'll send up some more apology gifts. Is that all?"

"Yes but-" Wonwoo was cut off.

"Have a nice day Mr Jeon." The receptionist spoke before hanging up. Wonwoo groaned and fell back onto the bed.

"She hung up on me. We have to stay here." He said.

"It's okay Won" Mingyu smiled at him. "The couch is all mine for the next 4 nights"

"Min that's terrible, it's tiny." Wonwoo responded, watching Mingyu as he made his way over to the other side of the room. "I'll sleep on it"

"Nonsense. It looks just fine" Mingyu said, sitting down on the couch, checking his watch. "It's 12:30 now, rest for the next 4 hours until we have to get ready okay?"

Wonwoo nodded, standing up to walk over to the bathroom to get changed.

"I'll just change into sleepwear for now." Wonwoo told him, as he walked to the bathroom.

"Cute" Mingyu mumbled but Wonwoo couldn't quite hear.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." Mingyu smiled at him. Wonwoo finished changing and came out of the bathroom in his purple satin pyjamas, ready to take a nap. He sat down on the bed and took off his glasses, placing them on the night stand. He did a quiet stretch and yawned for a few seconds before gathering under the covers.

"I'll sleep now Min" He told Mingyu, closing his eyes.

"Okay you baby" Wonwoo huffed in response to what Mingyu said, but eventually drifted into his sleep realm.


"Won..." Wonwoo felt a warm hand stroking his face. "It's time to get ready." He opened his eyes to see Mingyu sitting on the edge of the bed staring at him.

"Mm... Okay" Wonwoo sat up and gave him a small smile. He reached over to put on his glasses , yawning as he adjusted them.

Mingyu and Wonwoo both got dressed into black suits with black ties. Wonwoo's suit had a square pin on it with the words "Comp Sci" engraved into it. Mingyu's on the other hand a green circle with the word "Marketing" on it.

"How do I look?" Wonwoo said, adjusting his hair in the mirror.

"Handsome, what about me?" Mingyu asked.

"Amazing as always" Wonwoo smiled at him.

"Shall we head down now?" Mingyu checked his watch, the face showed 5:15.


The hall where the banquet was being hold was overwhelmingly huge. The accents of the room were all gold, massive columns reaching a 5 metre high roof and the walls the colour of fresh snow. Two massive tables were lined up further up in the room with seats for all of the guest who were there.

Wonwoo stood at the entrance nervously, unsure with what to do with himself. Namjoon had whisked Mingyu away a couple minutes ago and now Wonwoo was left to his own devices.

"Wonwoo!" He turned to where the noise was coming from and saw Minhyun waving at him.

"Mr Hwang" Wonwoo spoke once he got closer.

"Please, call me Minhyun." Wonwoo nodded and Minhyun led him over to a quieter part of the room. "Listen carefully, there's a big deal that we want to strike with our international branches and Japan is the one the vice president wants to tackle first. There's three heads of the Japanese branches, each operating a different city. Minatozaki Sana takes care of Osaka, Hirai Momo takes care of Kyoto and Myoi Mina looks after Tokyo. Get on their good side and it's a pay raise for us all if the deal goes through"

Wonwoo nodded along, although he got lost somewhere in the middle and was kind of just blankly staring.

"I can tell you're confused, just remember your job tonight is to people please." Minhyun spoke, thinking to himself. "Well anyway looks like Namjoon and Mingyu are coming here. I'll let them know"

Mingyu approached Wonwoo and they spoke quietly whilst Minhyun and Namjoon revised some sort of plan.

"Oh Won your tie" Mingyu reached over to fix it, hands fiddling with the knot.

"Hello!" A woman excitedly exclaimed behind them. She was wearing a gold, long dress with spaghetti straps.

"Hi" Mingyu almost jumped but managed to say hi back.

"Oh you two are just so cute" She pressed her hands together.

"Sana! So nice to see you again" Minhyun's eyes widened and he extended a hand to her. She shook it and smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine!"

"This is Wonwoo and Mingyu, Namjoon and I's personal recruits. Wonwoo does software engineering and Mingyu does-"

"Minhyun stop being so formal, I want to know more about these two" She pointed at Mingyu and Wonwoo. "Are you two together"

"They're n-" Minhyun was cut off by Sana once more.

"Because I just love, love!" She exclaimed. "I haven't seen a real couple in love in a while but you two. Oh the look you give each other does not lie" She happily said.

"Oh no we're n-" This time Wonwoo was cut off.

"They are! Aren't they adorable" Minhyun spoke.

"Oh yes they are!" Sana squealed and grabbed Minhyun so they could gush over the two. As Minhyun was being led away by Sana he looked back at Wonwoo with a look that Wonwoo could only describe as 'don't ruin it'.

"Well" Namjoon looked at them. "Looks like you two are a couple for the rest of the night"

"What!?" They both exclaimed.

"I don't make the rules"


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