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*Sorry the formatting is off idk what happened*

The gymnasium was transformed into a magical wonderland, adorned with twinkling lights and shimmering streamers. Prom night was finally here, and Mingyu felt his heart flutter with anticipation as he waited for Wonwoo to arrive. Dressed in his best suit, he nervously adjusted his tie, stealing glances at the entrance.

When Wonwoo walked in, looking breathtaking in a tailored tuxedo, Mingyu's breath caught in his throat. He couldn't tear his gaze away from the sight of his best friend, his boyfriend of one year, looking so utterly perfect.

"Hey," Wonwoo said, a soft smile gracing his lips as he approached Mingyu.

"Hey," Mingyu replied, feeling a rush of warmth spread through him at Wonwoo's presence.

As the night progressed, Mingyu and Wonwoo danced together, their movements synchronized as if they were made for each other. With each gentle sway and every shared smile, Mingyu's adoration for Wonwoo grew stronger.

The DJ began to play the sweet melody of Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang for the slow dance. Mingyu pulled Wonwoo in closer, taking him by surprise. Wonwoo's eyes glistened as they looked up into Mingyu's, a small smile crossing his lips before resting his head on Mingyu's shoulder. Mingyu felt his heart overflow with emotion. Holding Wonwoo's waist tighter, he found courage he never knew he had.

"I love you, Wonwoo," Mingyu whispered, his voice barely above a breath but filled with sincerity.

Wonwoo looked up, eyes widened in surprise, but then a soft, radiant smile spread across his face. "I love you too, Mingyu," he whispered back, the words like a melody that Mingyu had longed to hear.

In that moment, with the music playing softly in the background and their hearts beating as one, Mingyu knew that their love was meant to be. He leaned down, tilting his head slightly to the side to press a chaste kiss onto Wonwoo's lips.

"I love you so much." He whispered against Wonwoo's lips causing Wonwoo to blush.

"I'm your's." Wonwoo responded, readjusting his arms around Mingyu's neck.

They went home together that night, and a few more firsts were ticked off both of their lists.

*please enjoy this fluff away from the drama!*

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