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"Finally the boring class has end"

"And you'll get to see your so called crush now" Lily said as we walked towards canteen

"Don't" I quickly cover her mouth "Be Careful, who know Yoshi will pop up out of nowhere and heard us"

"IKR it would be a chaos" She laughed as I gave her side eye. "Chill he won't. Let's hurry I'm hungry" she link her arm with me as we walked - run

Lily has been my friend since our freshman year. I also have another friend aside her but she study in another country


"Where are they" I asked Lily as we search for Jihoon and his friends while holding our food tray

"Y/N, Lily over here" Jihoon wave his hand from their table

"There let's go"

I sat beside Yoshi and Lily sat beside me

"How's the class?" Jihoon who sat in front of me asked

"Boring and nothing new"

"You really find all the subject boring" Jihoon said and laughed. His eyes close a little as he laugh. He had the kind of smile who can made you fall and I guess I did

"O oh" Yoshi raise his hand as If he knew answer to a question "I know how it would be less boring"

"How?" I wanna know it too so my class won't be boring

"If there are any attractive guy from your class then his presence won't make it boring" That a little correct but Jihoon ain't from my class

"Yoshi's and his wierd idea but it make a little sense. Is there any guy you found attractive Y/N?" Kim Junkyu who sat next to Jihoon ask

"I don't think Y/N has a crush" Jihoon said

"Why do you think so?" Asked Junkyu

"Because if she does she will tell me but she didn't"

"If Y/N have a crush the first person she would tell is me not you" Lily said as she show her tongue

" No she'll tell me first because we're friend from middle school. Right Y/N"
He so cute when he argue like a kid *simping*

"No I'll be the one who she's going to tell first. Right Y/N" Hope Lily won't accidentally spill the tea while arguing

"Umm... Yes it'll be Lily" I'm not that brave to told my crush that he's my crush. "Don't worry Jihoon I like you more" I like you more but not in a friendly way

"Ouch should I be disappoint" said Lily while raising her left eyebrow

"No need I guess" I chuckled. I already know she know what I meant

"Ok then after telling Lily you'll tell me too right?" He's so cute while pouting

"Umm yes ofcourse" if I ever dare to confess to you

"Y/N you should tell me too since I'm the big brother of this group. I can be a help you know" Hyunsuk said as he wink at me

"Haha ofcourse Hyun"

"Don't forget me too I'm the best at giving advice in this situation" Jaehyuk said as I chuckled cuz I kinda think that's a lie

"Me too" said Junkyu and Yoshi


"What's that not fair"

"It's just my crush not a big deal"

"But you should not hide from your friend right?" - Junkyu

"Did you not see us as friend" Yoshi said and gasp dramatically

"No idiot. Fine I'll tell you if I ever had a crush happy?"

I have a crush on my bestfriend Jihoon for a long time now. No one knew except for Lily and Wonyoung(the girl who study in another country). I know I should not feel this way towards my friend but I can't help it when he's this perfect. Sometimes I feel like he felt the same way..... Who knows╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭

Just a Friend?? {Park Jihoon}Where stories live. Discover now