11( New Couple。⁠*✯)

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‼️Long ass chapter ahead‼️


"So... What kind of a guy your boyfriend is" I asked Lily who walk besides me

"Oh he... he's tall,smart,has a sexy deep voice,and he's really kind to everyone and also he's really caring especially to me" I can say she really likes him from the way he mentioned him

"Oo~~ someone is really in love~~ blush not leaving her face" Wonyoung teases as Lily cover her face with her palm. "he sound like the greenest flag"

"Is he someone we know" I asked, I am really curious about this boy who stole my best friend heart

She nod her head

"Now I really wanna know him"

"Me too. When are you planning to tell us"

"I won't but he will tell you"

"When and where?"

"Btw have you guys went on a date" Wonyoung asked ignoring my question for Lily. Obviously she'll wants to know all the detail hihi

"Um..yes once"

"Omg and how did it went"

"Well..it-" before she could finish someone called her

"Hi Lily" Jaehyuk said coming towards us with a smile "hi Y/N. Hi Wonyoung"

"Hi..? Where's the other"

"Don't know" he simply said before facing Lily. "Lily do you wanna see some picture I took from my camera it came out really great" He said with a smile

"Yes sure. Guys I'll tell you later. Byee" And like that they left

"When did they become so close?". I said as Wonyoung just shrugged

"Hey Y/N" Jihoon said coming towards us "hi Wonyoung

"I think I forgot something uhh..in my class so gotta go, Hi and byee". And I also walk away wanting to avoid Jihoon


"Y/N where are you going"

"Umm In my class" As soon as I saw Haruto I stop on my track and face

"I was on my way too. Let's go together"

Neither of us talk on our way because of that I feel a little awkward. I know it's not something to be awkward but Im not use to not talk to the person whose besides me

This won't do let me start the conversation. Should I ask about his dog?

"So is it true you like Jihoon hyung?" Haruto break the silence with an unexpected question

"Ahh no..he's just a friend you know haha?" I let out an awkward laugh

He gave me a gentle smile before saying "You don't have to hide it Y/N"

"*Sigh* it's true I have a crush on a friend. Stupid right"

He hold my shoulder and said "No it's not Y/N. Everyone has the right to have a person they like right. And don't ever call yourself stupid ok." He smile and stand straight and put his hand on the back of his head before continuing "and even tho you never paid attention in class you always manage to get higher score in science than me" we both laugh at his remark

"Of course I will get more mark than you if you laze around so much" we both chuckle. "Ruto Can you bend down" He did as I said and bend down to my height. This boy is so tall gosh "thank you Rutoyaa~~" I said with a smile and pat his head

Just a Friend?? {Park Jihoon}Where stories live. Discover now