9(dodge ball)

42 5 4

"We broke up"

"What why I thought you guys were doing just fine like why"

"He said he want to focus on his scating more. But don't worry it's for the best. Things just didn't work out"

"You're pretty and you're a genius too I'm sure you'll met someone better "

"Haha thanks for the compliment"


Y/N P.O.V<

Days have passed and this few days Jihoon is alot clingier while I'm still trying my best to move on. Jihoon would always ask me out to accompany him in weekend or he would always be with me 24/7 which made it a lot harder for me to move on

Oh and me and Haruto have become alot more closer too. I noticed that we have alot in common but we didn't hang out much (I think we all know why). He and Junkyu also become close maybe alot more closer than us. Junkyu who rarely go out had been go out alot now

"Hey Y/N are you free on this weekend"


"Y/N~~ Yo what u doing Haruto"

"Uh nothing just asking if Y/N is free on this weekend"

"But Y/N and me-" right this is a good opportunity

"Yes ruto I'm free"

"Wh-what ruto?"

"Oh then I was thinking if you like to do photography"

"I would love to"

"I knew it. Then I'll text you the place and time. Bye" Saying that he left

"Did you just call him ruto? And you never call me Ji this day but only Jihoon?"

"What is that not your name" I pinch his nose

"It is but"

"Pfft you're so childish" saying that i also start walking

"Wait YN is it bad? Should I be more mature" he Chuckle. "Does girls like more mature one and what about won-"

"Won? Wonyoung?"

"No i mean- uh forget it". He then left without saying a word. That's weird....... That's suspicious


In the gym class:

The teacher had gather secA and secB which is Jihoon's class and my class

"Ok so we gather you here so you can have a better experience. Sec A and Sec. B will be in one team and you'll be selected by us"

Then the teacher started selecting the team one by one

Just as much as I don't want to be in Jihoon's team part of me want to be in his. Ugh so f*cking annoying

"Wonyoung,Haruto.." the teacher called the student name one by one but I didn't pay much attention "and lastly Y/N will be in Jihoon's team and you'll be team1 ok. Now be in your right position we'll be playing dodge ball" what me in Jihoon's team??? No way

"Oi we'll be in one team let's do our best and defeat the other" Haruto said while raising his hand with a smile on his face

"Yep let's defeat them" I said as I  gave him a high five

"Player be in ur position. Team2 will be the one to throw first" It was Junkyu team against us. Maybe they'll be hard to defeat since Yoshi, Junkyu are on the same team haha

We started playing and luckily like our planned Me and Haruto we're still alive along with Jihoon, Wonyoung and Han

I noticed that Jihoon kept protecting Wonyoung which hurt me a bit. I really wanna delete this feeling ugh!!

"And Han you're out" now only the four of us are left. We'll we be able to win?

The ball fly towards Wonyoung then Jihoon pulled her aside I was behind Wonyoung so that means the ball is about to hit me. Oh boy this not good

I try to move aside quickly but I ended up falling and unfortunately the ball hit my waist

"Aand Y/N out. Only three player left"
Wow Jihoon you ditch your friend for the girl you met only for a few months

"Y/N are you hurt" Haruto quickly came towards me concern

He offer his hand and held me up
"Haha no don't worry but you need to win ok" I try to walk away but ouch my leg

I laugh awkwardly and slowly walk away

"Y/N your leg" Hyunsuk came towards and help me sit

"No biggie it happens while playing"

"And Team1 win" I smile at Haruto who was looking at me and gave him a thumb up

"Told you we'll win"

"Yees~~ nice play" I gave him high five

"Y/N are you okay? Your leg..." Wonyoung asked

"Ah this. Its okay I'm fine"
It was our team to throw the ball but I didn't play cuz of my leg

"Y/N it's our turn cheer me on ok" said Lily

"Of course. All the best" I gave her a thumb up

"Btw Y/N you're really good at sports" said Haruto

"Right? Thank you. I may be bad at study but im quite good at sports"

"Yes i see that" he pinch my cheek. He smile at me and so did I

But why does I suddenly feel cold?


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