8(New friend)

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"woah that's really a shocking mouth dropping news...But that's not surprising at all. Wonyoung is so pretty she has all the look. Sunghoon and her are like a perfect couple 'The Prince And princess'"

"But are you okay with it?"

"Yeah I'm more than ok. I'm not in his league anyway"

"Hey don't say that. Even if he is the popular 'prince' He's nothing compared to you" I said as I nudge her with my arm
"Aww Really?" I nod "Then Thank you" she tickle me and i tickle her back then we laugh like a maniac

"Hey what are you guys doing. Y'all look like a witch. Jizz look at yourself in the mirror" Junkyu said. I look at him to see the presence of Yoshi,Jaehyuk and Jihoon

My face turned red the moment I look at Jihoon's eyes.

Shit I am 100% sure I look like a Donkey

So I quickly made my hair

"What are you guys doing here" Lily asked

"Nothing we're just bored" Yoshi reply

"You should quickly go back to your class. The  class will start soon" I said  finishing tying my hair in a bun

"Ah right don't forget about the tusion ok Jaehyukiee~~" Lily said

"I know I know" Jaehyuk said and left... Wait! I think I noticed something......

"What tusion?" I asked

"Ahh he lost a bet so he had to teach me math hehe"

"I don't know but I kinda smell a new couple" Junkyu  jokingly said as we laughed

"What the- don't even joke"

"Ok ok stop I'm sorry" Junkyu said while backing away as Lily keep on hitting him
chasing him out of the classroom.
Yoshi laughed behind them and followed Junkyu

"Hey, you feeling better?"  Jihoon asked

"Yes thanks to someone" I smile and he smile back then he put chocolate milk on my desk

"Enjoy" He smile and left

"What's that?"


"Wait don't tell me don't tell me I know" She give me '🌚' this face " Jihoon "
I just smile "oooh~~ the taste gonna be 10x time better"

"Attention class" We all stop doing what we were doing as the teacher had enter the classroom along with a tall guy

"This is your new classmate. A transfer student from Japan. Please introduce yourself"

"Hi I'm Watanabe Haruto. Please take care of me"

Soon the class was filled with murmur cause why not when there's this handsome tall guy just attend our school

"Ok stop talking. And Haruto go and sit beside Wonyoung. Wonyoung raise your hand"

I don't know why but this guy seems familiar


"Y/N. Can you put this on my desk. I have something to do" Mrs Min asked

"Ok Mrs Min"

"Thank you"


No one P.O.V

After finishing the teacher request, Y/N was walking in the hallway making her way to the class

While walking someone bump into her. She look at the person to see it was the new kid Haruto Watanabe

They locked eyes for a moment

Where did I see him

"Umm hello?" Haruto was still looking at her until she wave her hand. "Did you have something to say?"

"Ah.... You're quite short"


Shit why did I say that

"Excuse me mister but fyi I'm not it just that you are tall "

Heh cute

"Haha sorry"

"Wait you look familiar did we ever met before?"

"To think of it you look familiar too. Sss
Wait are you the girl who bump into my dog"

"Ohh no wonder you look familiar. Yep that's me"

"Sorry about my dog again"

"It's ok I'll let it pass since your dog is cute"

"*Chuckle* ok that's good to hear btw can  we be.... Friend?"

"Of course.....Wait what are you doing here. Is Mr Kim hadn't enter the class"

"Oh shit. Right I was about to be in the bathroom. Bye thanks for the reminder" Haruto said and walk away


It was lunch time and Haruto was looking for a seat until someone called him

"Yo Haruto here" Haruto smile and walked towards her table. Y/N patted the seat beside her indicating Haruto to sit

"Guys this is Haruto a transfer student from Japan and Wonyoung seatmate and.. my new friend"

"Hello I'm Haruto Watanabe"

They all introduce themselves and greeted him

"Umm..What?" Haruto asked Junkyu who's looking at him

"I feel like we'll be a good partner" Junkyu said holding his chin



"Yo I like that"  And they shake hand

like a cool dude

"Are you that guy from the park" Jihoon asked

"A-ah yes"

"Oh we meet again.  Never thought we be meeting again but here we are. Hope we'll get along" Jihoon gave him a smile

"I hope too"


"Lily did you feel something off this day"

"No why"

"I don't know why but I kinda feel like I'm nothing but a friend to Jihoon. I think Im just mistaken. I think I'm a little delusional to him"

"Maybe or maybe not we don't know unless you confess right. But in my point of  view I feel like he has the same feeling as you because he is too caring towards you unlike towards others"

"That's because he's my friend. I think he just took care of me in the name of friend..."


"Lily i decided that from now on I'll stop liking him and see him as 'only' friend"


Hello lovelies. How y'all doing? I was supposed to update it early but this Wattpad is not letting me
I wanted to say thank you for all your support i really appreciated it<3
And sorry for my broke English and grammar. Also I'm not really good with words so I beg your excuse

Please vote and follow me. Also comment so that i would know that you enjoy it(⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)

Y/N and Lily are Literally 'BLIND LEADING THE BLIND' duo😆✨

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