10(Jihoon's crush)

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My leg feel a little better after my mom took care of it and she told me not to run so here I am walking slowly on the road not caring if I'll be late or not

"Hey Junkyu catch me!" I ran towards Junkyu as soon as I saw him walking with Haruto and Yoshi ready to have a piggyback ride

"Ouch" i thought he will catch me he dodge which cause me to fall "idiot why did you move aside" I said with a disappoint look

"So sorry I thought you were someone so I... But why did u Target me out of us three people."

Haruto pull me up quickly "because you  got a broad shoulder so I thought you could carry me .. ah forget it let's go"

"Pfft that's nothing to do with me besides you're heavy" Junkyu mumble but clear enough for me to hear. I glared at him as we look away avoiding the eyes contact

"Do you want me to carry you" haruto offer. Yoshi and Junkyu look at him with confuse look. They probably thought 'who would want to carry this pig' -_-

"No it's ok I just want to let Junkyu get tired I don't really need to be carried, my leg is all okay now you see" i said showing him my leg as Junkyu glared at me

"But the way you walk says it's not okay"

"Aa really Ruto it's okay I can walk really besides I'm quiet heavy"

"Right tho" Junkyu and Yoshi said in unison. I glared at them

Haruto gave his bag and my bag to the two boys. And he suddenly carry me

"Ahh Haruto put me down. I'm okay really"

"Just think this as a big brother giving a piggyback ride to his sister let's go hahha" he let out a laugh and started to run

"But aren't i older than you" he smile and shook his head and I smile at his reaction. He's such a good friend


The class went on as usual. As always I didn't pay much attention but here I was thinking how to get rid of my feelings and avoid Jihoon

I don't really care if I get bad grade I'll just marry a rich man hehe


After the classes it's finnally break time and i couldn't figure anything out during the class so you can say it was a waste of time for me to think on class

"Now who wanna get some fresh air"

"Oh me" said Wonyoung

"I have something to do with the boys see you later" Haruto wave at me before leaving the class


"Oh yes"

"Wanna get some fresh air"

"Um yes"

"Then let's goo before the boring class start again" i hug both of them as we exit the classroom


We we're now under a tree chating about random things. Well it was mostly me and Wonyoung talking

"Someone is always on their phone dont you think so" I said eyeing Wonyoung.

"What who"Lily cluelessly said while being on her phone  "oh me" she said as she saw us eyeing at her

"do you have a boyfriend?" Wonyoung asked

"N-no why"

"Are you sure" we still stared at her

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