6(Amusement park)

40 3 0

No one P.O.V

"Why is Y/N so quite today also she blush and smile alot today" Wonyoung said as they are walking in the hallway

"Mmm maybe there is something good happen to her" Lily said giving me this '🌚' face

"I think her crush ask her out! Omg what's his name again Ji-Ji-Jikyu? Yohoon?" Wonyoung said trying to say Jihoon's name

"Yo who?? It's Jihoon" Lily correct her

"Oh yes Jihoon! I also saw them on the parking lot together! Omg you're so lucky!!!" Wonyoung said squealing excitedly

"Wh-what  no it's just" Y/N pause for a second before continuing "did you see this" Y/N gave them '🌚' this look while showing them her knee which was stick with a cute panda bandaid

"Why are you flexing about your knee accident?" Said Lily

"No silly that's not the point. It's....." Then she narrated yesterday incident




Y/N and Jihoon were cycling to head back home when suddenly a dog came infront of them causing them to fall on the sideway

Y/N hurt her knee while Jihoon got a little scratch on his elbow

"Y/N are you okay" Jihoon asked worriedly while sitting down beside her

"No.. Omg Jihoon did you hurt yourself?are you okay? Where let me check" Y/N ask while checking Jihoon "thank God you're not hurt too much but your elbow need a little treatment, don't worry"

Jihoon chuckle before flicking her forehead and said "Dumbo before worrying about me look at your knee"

"What it's just a tiny scratch"

"Are you sure-"

"I'm sorry, are you guys okay?" A tall guy wearing a mask who seem to be around their age approach them. "My dog was  trying to catch a butterfly, then you guys suddenly came and..... I'm sorry do you guys need help"

"No it's okay we aren't hurt that much but please be careful next time"

"Aoh- ok"

"Omg a golden retriever!!! Come here boy tututu" Y/N call the dog as the dog also obediently walk towards her. "Aww you are so cute!! Who's the good boy" Y/N said patting him

"Umm... It's actually a girl" said the tall boy

"Wha-oh" Y/N face became red out of embarrassment "then.. what a good girl" she continue to pat her

"She just love Golden retriever"

"It's good to see someone with the same taste"

"Haha right" Jihoon said looking like he fake a smile after the tall boy said it which was go notice by Y/N

'Is he jealous? '

"Y/N" Jihoon call "yes" she answer

"Here" saying that Jihoon took out a panda bandaid and paste it on her knee

"Your Lucky bandaid.."

"It always come to an use.  It's 'lucky' for a reason" Jihoon smile

"Thanks Ji" She smile

"Shall we go"


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