12(could it be?)

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"Have you slept yet" Haruto asked from the phone

"Not yet and you" Y/N replied

Haruto chuckle before replying "I'm sleep talking you"

"Haha right, anyway aren't you feeling sleepy it's 10:6 pm"

"No, it's early for me. And you"

"Imm a little"

"Oh sorry am I disturbing you?"

"Oh no not disturbing. I haven't finish my assignment yet so I'm not gonna sleep until I finish it."

"Are you almost done or.."

"Yeah I'm almost finish. Have you done yours"

"Yes, I'm fast you know" Y/N laugh from the other side "Don't wake up late and sleep fast ok"

"Yes yes understand grandpa"

"Anyway the reason I call you is... You know like I said tomorrow let's hang out.. the photograph.." Haruto said sounding unsure thinking if she would say yes or no

"Oh yeah I'll almost forgot. Send me the adress and time"

"Ahh yes. 10:00 am if it's okay with you"

"Mmm.. ok, then see you tomorrow Rutoyaa. Good night"

"Good night" Saying that they hang up

'tsk gosh I tried to sound more manly than that ... Ya Haruto what's with the way you ask her out' Haruto mumble and hit his head. 'I think I should take advice from Jaehyuk hyung'


'finally, it's done now' Y/N smile happily after finishing her work. She tidy her desk before going to bed. She was about to switch off the light when she got a call

She look to see it was from Jihoon. She hesitate a bit but then took a deep sigh and answered

"Uh.. hey Ji what's up"

"You're still awake? I thought you had already asleep"

"I was about to.... Did you have something to say, if not then I'm going to hang up "

"Wait. I was thinking that it's been along time since we hang out so should we go out tomorrow and-.."

"Sorry Ji but I have plan with Haruto"

"Oh that guy again" He said silently which go unnoticed by Y/N " I feel like you're avoiding me on purpose or is it that you're too busy this day"

"No I'm not Ji. Sorry if I don't pay enough time for you. But I promise we'll hang out in another da-"

"It's okay, no need to be sorry Y/N. I understand. You're trying to study more from now right" Jihoon laugh "then that's good. Good night Y/Niee~" Before Y/N could reply Jihoon hang up

Y/N did feel guilty, but she just wanted the unwanted feeling for her friend to disappear.

She know she doesn't had the right to feel jealous when he's with someone or when he stood up for Wonyoung in the gym class but she just couldn't stop herself


"Haruto" Y/N wave at Haruto who was on his phone

"Hyung I think I saw an angel"

"What? Angel? What do you mean by that?" Mashiho, Haruto hyung said on the other side

"Hyung I will call you later I'm hanging up"

Just a Friend?? {Park Jihoon}Where stories live. Discover now