5(his feelings?)

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Wonyoung had enroll in my school and guess what she's in the same class as me.

Thinking we're gonna be a trio just making me excited. And imagine having a trio date not just double but trio!! Lily and sunghoon, wony and her boyfriend, me and Jihoon!!!!! Omg even thinking that made me excited. But I don't even know Jihoon's feeling and I'm thinking about it. But sometimes I feel like he's giving me a sign about his feelings-

We're are now gather in our class as the class is about to start

"Good morning everyone. Today we have a new student. Please introduce yourself". Mrs Min our class teacher said

"Hello everyone. I'm Jang Wonyoung. Please be nice to me" Wonyoung introduce herself while smiling

After she enter our classroom lots of whisper could be heard.  Why not when the goddess has enter our class. The student were talking about how beautiful Wonyoung is. As expected Wonyoung will be popular among the student. I'm so lucky to have her as my friend

The class went on teacher explaining thing which I'll never understand. But surprisingly besides being pretty Wonyoung was smart too she got all the answer correct when the teacher asked her a question. And she was preety good at math too. She's every girl dreams.

It was time for my favourite period. LUNCH BREAK! I was packing my thing and ready to go with Lily and Wonyoung when lots of students came towards her asking for her number and wanting to be her friend and all

I take Wonyoung aside saving from the other students and drag her along with us towards the cafeteria

"Wow Wony you just came today and you're already so popular" I said as we sat in our usual table

"Haha really? It's not that they are just nice"

"Nee don't be so humble haha"

Not so long the boys sit with us and we chat while eating but strangely Jihoon was quiet again it's not like his usual self. Maybe he's going through a hard time? Then I should be there for him


Istg history is so boring!!! If only I was smart like Wonyoung...

*Bell ringing*

Yay! The bell!!

"Students don't forgot to do your assignment, there will be a punishment ok keep that in mind" Mr. Yoon said befor leaving the class

I quickly pack my thing in excitement because I have something special to do hehe

"What's with that smile hm" Lily nudge me while giving me teasing smile

"Hmm nothing"

"Isn't this her usual self or is there something special" Wonyoung ask in confusion

"Oh Right! It's her usual self haha" Lily eyed me and I can't help but laugh at her

"Well guys I'll go first you guys go ahead. Wony tell mom that I'm going to somewhere" I wave at them before going outside

"Eh but where's she going? Does she have a boyfriend but she got crush" Wonyoung asked Lily confused


"Jihoonaa" I call him as he was waiting for me at the school gate

"Oh Y/N" He wave at me looking like a cute puppy "Where's Wonyoung and the other?" Eh why did he asked me this when it's only the both of us.... Maybe he's just curious

"I told them I'll go first so I guess they're on their way"

"Then let's go" He held out his hand while giving me the warm smile which never fail to make me fall for him. I hold his hand. Even though we aren't a couple (yet) holding hands is normal to us since we were kids. We walked towards the parking lot. He take out his cycle and he started cycling as I sit in the back seat

This feels like a date. The cutest date


We are at the 'Dori Veteran'. This is a special place for me because it's the place where only me and Jihoon's  visit (mostly)plus it's his favourite place.

When we we're in middle school he said that he only take his special people in this place and I'm the only one who he ever took in this place, not even Junkyu!

" Hi hank, pancake, loli, jass it's nice to see y'all again" He said as he pat them as they lick him and waving their tail showing how happy they were to meet Ji again
(A/N - Sorry for the weird name i can't come with any name😭)

"Look how happy they are meeting you" I said as I pat one of them

"They're also happy meeting you" We lock eyes for a few seconds then I break it because I remember something

"I-I he-here the treat, we almost forgot what we came for" i laugh as he did the same before replying "yeah right, here you go fellas" He said giving them the treat one by one. I quickly took out my phone and start recording him as he was playing with the pets


It was already late so we decided to go home. And now here we are, infront of my house

"Y/N thanks for coming with me today"

"It's okay no problem I love going there anyway"

"Then have a nice sleep" He wave at me with a smile

"You too bye"

As I was about to open the door he held my hand and I turn back

"Y/N let's make our own pet house in the future"

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