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Y/N curled on her bed thinking about the scene from the evening

It was embarrassing and funny at the same time how all those time I thought Jihoon would like me back without knowing his heart is already somewhere else
If he didn't like me then why did he gave me a false hope in the first place.... Wait, ha, he never gave me one it was me who always got the wrong idea. Ha. How Ridiculous

A tears fell down from her face and then  another, before she knew she's crying under the blanket

He's not yours Y/N he can like anyone he want..... But why does it hurt so bad and why does it has to be Wonyoung out of all people

"Why her!!" "WAAAA" Y/N cried out loud kicking her feet in the bed, more likely throwing a tantrum

"Y/N, dear are you okay, are you crying??  Wanna talk" Her mother said besides her door

Y/N suddenly stop "ahh oh yeah mom I i-ahh.. I was just watching AOT"

"AAA understandable" said Wonyoung probably standing beside Y/N mom

"If you have problems then don't hesitate to ask ok. And don't shout like that in the middle of the night you make us worried"

"Sorry mom!" After Y/N said that her mom and Wonyoung left to sleep.


"Y/N are you sure you're okay? Your eyes are.. puffy and red" Wonyoung asked concern

"Oh yeah I think it's because of the anime.".

"Are you sure" she eyed her suspiciously

"Let's go we'll be late"  Y/N walked towards the door and open it to found Jihoon standing   "Ahh.. what are you doing?"

"Why? Can't i pick up a friend" He said with a smile

"Y/N why don't you go with Jihoon today I have something urgent to do so I'll go first" Wonyoung said rushing outside of the house .. weird

"Let's go"

"A-oh ok" Y/N said following Jihoon


"It's been a while since we walk together like this, don't you think?"

"Umm.. has it been a while?" Y/N ask and Jihoon nod. She also just nod her head while looking down at her shoes don't know what to say

"Y/N" He called her, so she stop walking and look at him as he did the same

"Are you avoiding me" He asked with a serious face

"Ah..- no why would I? And why didi you ask.. all of a sudden" Y/N said and avoided his eyes

"Then good" His expression change from serious to a smile again "I was afraid you were avoiding" He said sounding relief

"Haha don't be i won't avoid you" Y/N smile while patting his head which made the other blush and smile

"Y/N" Someone called from behind. They turned towards the direction to find Haruto waving at them

"Oh Haruto"

"Morning" Haruto said smiling widely and cutely

"Morning" Y/N said returning the smile
"Ha" Jihoon have them a disbelief look

"Oh morning hyung" Haruto said finally paying attention to the older

"Oh morning Haruto. We will go first if you don't mind since we have something urgent to do. Excuse us"

Just a Friend?? {Park Jihoon}Where stories live. Discover now