7(Amusement pt.2)

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"umm. What are you guys doing?" I asked raising my eyebrows

"It's nothing like that" Wonyoung quickly denied

"Like what?" I raised my eyebrow in suspicion


"Wonyoung was scared so I help her out she was screaming like crazy *haha"
Jihoon said cutting Wonyoung off

"Ookayy" I said in *not so sure* tone

Time skip-:

We were in Hyunsuk parent's van ready to go home. Other didn't brought their car since Hyunsuk parents van was available and it is much nicer to be altogether. Junkyu brought his bike (we all know the reason anyway)

Jaehyuk is the driver since Hyunsuk felt a little exhausted

Jihoon sat beside Jaehyuk in the front. I sat between Hyunsuk and Lily in the middle while Yoshi sat in the last. Wonyoung got something urgent to do so she she go first in Junkyu's bike

"Thought we all had fun today but why does Y/N look upset and sad" Lily asked

"She's been like this since Ji-"

I put my head on his chest as to stop him from finishing his sentence
"Don't worry guys it's nothing I am just tired" Hyunsuk heart beat so fast I guess he still didn't get over that. Hehe what a scaredy cat

"Right today was so fun hope we get to spen time like this in the future" Jaehyuk said

"Look at Yoshi, guess today was both fun and tiring *chuckle*" Hyunsuk said

We all turned to Yoshi who was sleeping like a baby

"Aww he's so cute, let me take a picture" Said Lily taking her phone from her pocket

"Me too" I said taking his picture

"Send me too when we reach home" Hyunsuk said



After I finish taking a bath I sent Hyunsuk the picture and slump on my bed

*Sigh. That incident from today keep on popping on my mind. I don't wanna admit it but I'm kinda jealous.. Why do I have to feel like this? Who am I to be jealous when were nothing but just a friends.....maybe for now?? Ahh I hate my mind.
I'm a bad friend for feeling jealous towards a good friend(Wonyoung) beside Wonyoung already had a boyfriend
*Sigh I'm such a bad person....

*Message ring

Snowsukie: Thank you :D


Snowsukie: have you eaten?

Of course you know
I can't live a day without
skipping food. Anyway
what about you

Snowsukie: yes
Good night

Good night💫

As I try to listen to a song I got another message

It was from...Jihoon?

Should I or shouldn't reply?

Naah forget about that. I can't ignore him for long

Cutie~~: Y/N have you sleep?

No. Why?

Cutie~~ : open the door there's
something for you

Eh? What Is he doing outside

I open my door to see a basket but there's no sign of Jihoon so I call him

"Jihoon where are you? And did you send this basket?"

"Yes. Thought you would need it"

"Aww thanks Ji, but where are you?"

"I only came to deliver that for you. So I'm going back."

"You don't have to do that Ji. Or atleast you should've come inside besides it's so cold outside. You can catch a cold. Did you wear warm clothes? If you catch cold then who will take your exam. That's why I've always told you look after yourself before worrying about others but you never listen to me- "

Before I could complete my sentence I heard a chuckle from the other line

"Now why are you laughing?" I said with a hint of annoyed on my voice

"Nothing it's just.. it's just cute how you're worrying about me" he chuckle making me red by his words. "now go to sleep if you want me to go home safely"
"Good night"

Before I could reply he hang up

I look inside the basket to see warm food and snack. See if he is like this then who can blame me for loving my bff

I took the basket and was about to enter my room. I saw Wonyoung giving me a teasing smile

"So who's the charming prince"

"Ah... The neighbour dog. You know he give me this basket because he felt thankful that I fed him food..."

"So dog use phone huh. You think I'm a fool. I know who it is" she gave me '🌚' face

"Ok ok you catch me.  Btw so how you and your boyfriend are doing"

She stay silent for a while.

"Doing.. great" but her face doesn't said so. She seems uncomfortable so I didn't ask her further

"O ok. Don't forget to introduce me to him someday"

"He actually study from your school and is in basketball team"



I suddenly got bored with this so I'm thinking of taking a break from this book

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