Chapter 2*

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A/N: I decided to update this story! I'd like to apologize in advance for the terrible smut, it's my first time writing it and in my opinion it's awful, if you don't like reading gay smut I'll let you know when it starts and when it ends so you can skip it! This is not edited yet, please let me know if you see any errors! Enjoy! :)

Chapter 2

Harry woke up the next day with a massive headache, thank God it was sunday and he didn't had to go to school. Harry decided to get up and take a shower, brush his teeth and get something to eat.

"Fuuuuck..." Harry groaned when he saw his reflection in the mirror; his eyes were so swollen and red from all the crying last night. He knew he couldn't do anything about it so he just took off yesterday's clothes and got in the shower.

He felt a thousand times better when the hot water hit his body, he stood there doing nothing, relaxing his muscles until the water started getting cold and he decided to start washing himself up. After he was done he dried himself up then put on some clean boxers and joggers then went downstairs to eat breakfast. Harry's mom and older sister Gemma were already downstairs eating.

"Good morning swe-Harry what's wrong baby, are you sick?" Anne, Harry's mum asked touching his forehead

"I'm okay mum, i just have a headache." Harry said, he didn't wanted his mum to know he had cried himself to sleep last night again because of Louis.

Harry sat down next to Gemma waiting while his mum prepared his breakfast "It was Louis wasn't it?" Gemma whispered

"W-what?" Harry stuttered realizing his sister was onto him.

"Louis made you cry again. God Harry when are you gonna realize he's only using you, i'm sorry if i'm too harsh but honestly, he gives a shit about you." Gemma said soothingly trying not to upset Harry but it didn't work.

Harry felt like a million knives were stabbing him everywhere, he felt a hollow feeling at the pit of his stomach, he wanted to cry again but he couldn't.

"Fuck off Gemma, you know nothing." Harry spat back making his sister flinch, he immediately regretted it. "Gemma I..."

"Whatever." Gemma said and got up, took her plate and went to sit somewhere else in the kitchen island away from Harry.

Harry's mum came back with his food and set it in front of Harry and he immediately dug in feeling like shit for treating Gemma like that. She didn't deserve it, she was only looking after him like any older sister would. He needed to apologize.



When Harry got to school he immediately noticed Louis talking to Niall and Zayn, he started walking there but Liam called his name and he decided he wanted to go with Liam instead of Louis. He knew he had to go with Louis as soon as he arrived to school, that was one of Louis' rules, but Louis had to wait just like Harry had waited for him at the park while his boyfriend was having fun at a party fucking who knows who.

"Hey Haz, how are you?" Liam said hugging Harry

"I'm fine Lili." Harry said smiling and hugging Liam back. While they were hugging they didn't notice Louis was watching them giving them death glares.

"C'mon Haz, let's go to class." Liam said and pulled Harry towards him but he was yanked back by someone

"C'mon babe, I'll walk you to class." Louis said in a cold tone and Harry gulped, he knew what was coming.

"I...I'll see you later Li." Harry stuttered and Liam just gave him a sympathetic smile

"Yeah. See ya Haz." Liam sighed then walked off.

Louis glared at Liam until he disappeared in the crowd of people then he waved off Niall and Zayn who walked off in the same direction Liam took. When Louis was sure they were gone he turned to a very nervous and shaky Harry, his behavior only pissing him off more than he already was.

"What the fuck was that?" Louis hissed grabbing Harry's arm and dragging him to the bathroom

"N-n-nothing." Harry said dreading what was coming.

They walked in into the bathroom, Louis making sure no one was there before locking the door. He grabbed Harry and pushed him hard against the wall.

"Were you fucking cheating on me with that ass hole?" Louis shouted, his face to close to Harry's.

"I wasn't cheating on you, you know he's my friend." Harry said.

"Oh is he?" Louis hissed.

"yeah, and what the fuck is your problem, you cheat on me all the time and I don't say anything, an eye for an eye don't you think?" Harry said gaining confidence from who knows where only to regret it later.



Louis grabbed Harry by the collar and pushed him inside a stall, he turned Harry around so that his back was against his chest and started unbottoning his and Harry's jeans.

"Louis, W-what are you doing?" Harry stuttered.

"What's it look like? Letting you know who you belong to whore." Louis said kissing Harry's neck, leaving tiny love bites

"P-please not here, you don't even have lube." Harry said trying to reason with Louis.

"That's the point slut." Louis said pulling Harry's jeans and boxers all the way down to his ankles.

Without Harry noticing Louis coated his own manhood with saliva, yes he was pissed at Harry but he didn't wanted to hurt his angel that bad. This was the Louis Tomlinson, he could be a very nice and romantic lad, but one of his flaws was he was extremely possessive and sometimes he could be very selfish not caring if he hurt others.

"Louis please, I'm sorry." Harry whimpered, Louis grabbed Harry's hips and shoved himself inside of Harry and waited a few seconds before he pulled out and shoved it back inside. Harry let out a low scream, he felt full and like he was being ripped apart, he hadn't had sex for two weeks now.

Louis started thrusting in and out faster each time, Harry's whimpers soon turned into moans "you like that?" Louis asked changing his angle

"Y-yeah...OH GOD..." Harry moaned as Louis hit his prostate "fuuck...faster Lou." Harry moaned, Louis smirked and started thrusting slower and slower until he completely stopped.

"Why'd you stop?" Harry complained.

"if you want it beg for it." Louis said

"Please Lou, please fuck me." Harry begged, Louis started thrusting painfully slow

"Who do you belong to? Huh?" Louis asked.

"Y-you, I belong to you, please g-go faster." Harry begged and Louis thrust harder and faster into Harry.

Louis pushed Harry against the wall wrapping an arm around his waist to keep him from moving "F-fuck Harry, you're so tight babe." Louis moaned, he grabbed Harry's cock and started pumping it, minutes later Harry came with a loud moan spilling his load on the wall and Louis followed soon after, Harry's tight walls getting tighter sending him over the edge.

Louis pulled out and buttoned his jeans, Harry pulling his jeans and boxers back on.

End of smut


"That'll teach you who you belong to. C'mon." Louis said wiping Harry's load off the wall with toilet paper then pulling Harry out of the bathroom. They walked to class together holding hands as if nothing had happened.

A/N: that was horrible wasn't it? Anyway please don't forget to comment and vote! Feedback motivates me to write! Love you all!!

~Jenn <3

I Almost Do (Larry Stylinson) Mpreg AU UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now