Chapter 8

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A/N: So sorry for the long wait. Don't forget to comment and vote! Who saw Harry twerking? Lol

Chapter 8

Harry sat in his bed getting ready to sleep but couldn't because all he could think about was LouisLouisLouis and the strange things that were happening lately, it had already been six weeks since he told Louis he was still in love with him that day at the park and Louis had said he still loved him too.

Weird things had happened that day and a month later he was still thinking about it, like when Daisy said something about getting a new play mate-a little baby and Louis immediately shut her up and casually started talking about school; something Louis never talked about because he hated school with a passion.

The way Louis looked at him when he was playing with the twins and Lux and how his eyes lit up whenever he chased the girls and then picked them up making them laugh, when he bought them all ice cream and both he and Louis took turns feeding it to Lux who still ended up with chocolate ice cream all over her face.

Harry remembered how odd Louis was behaving when he freaked out after Phoebe accidentally bumped her head against his stomach and how she had started crying and saying she didn't meant to hurt it. Hurt what? Then after that he noticed how Louis wrapped his arms around his stomach like he was protecting it and left them there while he tried to calm Phoebe down and after that Louis looked exhausted and Harry decided to drive them to their house in her mum's car.

The following days and weeks everything just got weirder when Zayn invited him and Liam to sit with him, Niall, and Louis at their table and kept looking between Louis and him as if he was observing them searching for something.

Louis began wearing bigger and baggier clothes and every time he saw Louis in the hallway he was always surrounded by Niall and Zayn just as a shield, like they were shielding him as if he could break at any moment and every time Harry would catch Louis' eye he would turn and look at Niall who tilted his head and nodded before Louis lowered his gaze and walked away.

A little after, Harry and Liam were now used to sitting with the other three boys and Louis had even began warming up to Liam and apologised for being a dick to him and Liam like the nicest sweetest guy he was, forgave him right away.

Harry was also beginning to worry about Louis when he started looking exhausted and worn out like he didn't sleep at all and even more when he stopped eating at lunch time claiming he wasn't hungry or had had a big breakfast, he was beginning to think Louis was anorexic. Shaking those thoughts away he finally lay down pulled the covers over him and fell asleep hoping for a good day, it was going to be Friday after all.


Louis rushed through the halls towards the bathroom feeling like his bladder was about to explode and like he wasn't going to make it, he blamed the chocolate milk he had that morning that he just couldn't resist when Daisy had made it especially for him and the baby and when it smelled and tasted so heavenly.

He reached down to touch his stomach and groaned when he felt the tiny bump protruding in between his hips and realised he had two weeks of school left because there was no way he was going to show up in school with a noticeable bump where anybody could see it, even Harry-to which he was gonna have to start ignoring again in order to keep the baby's existence a secret from him and it hurt to think about it since they were getting close again.

His first class he had with Harry was almost over but he just couldn't hold it anymore and had rushed out of it with Harry making fun of him for having a bladder the size of a squirrel's, he reached the bathroom just as the bell went off signaling the end of first period meaning he had five minutes to pee and get to class on the other side of the building.

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