Chapter 1*

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A/N: I decided to update this story because the prologue is just so short, this chapter is also short and I apologize for that, I'm working on chapter 2 trying to make it longer! Please enjoy! :)

Chapter 1

Harry waited for Louis at the park for hours but he never showed up, he was about to leave when he spotted Liam , his best friend, running towards him and decided to wait for him.

"Hey Haz! What are you doing here all by yourself? It's getting dark and its bloody freezing." Liam said wrapping his arms around him concern written all over his face.

"I..." Harry wanted to tell Liam how he was supposed to meet his boyfriend Louis here but decided against it, Liam already disliked Louis enough

"I was just taking a walk. You?" He said instead, hoping he wouldn't ask

"Louis ditched you again didn't he?" Liam asked but it sounded more like a statement

"No he didn't..."

"Harry please, this is the third time he does this, when are you gonna understand that he's no good for you." Liam said trying to make Harry see who Louis really was, to Harry Louis was perfect no matter what.

Louis didn't used to be like this, he used to be all romantic and clingy and Harry guessed he liked that but now he almost never answered his calls, he never text or called him back except when he wanted a good fuck which he happily obliged to for some reason he couldn't understand. 'Maybe it's because he loves him and would do anything for him' Harry thought.

"Liam you know I love him. And...and he loves me too."

"That's not love Harry. Please just think about it, I don't want him to hurt you anymore, I have to go." Liam said and continued running the other way.

Harry sighed and decided to just go home, he wanted to cry, Louis had ditched him again and he still loved him like the very first day. When he got home he decided to call him, he expected Louis to not answer the phone and was quite surprised when he did.

All he could hear on Louis' side was the really loud music.

"Hey babe!" Louis screamed and Harry flinched, Louis was really loud sometimes

"Louis, I thought we were supposed to meet at the park today." Harry said with a shaky voice trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry babe, I forgot, Zayn and Niall dragged me with them to Josh's party, I couldn't say no." Louis said not sorry at all.

"You could've at least called me, instead of letting me wait there for you for hours like an idiot." Harry snapped, now angry.

"I said I was sorry babe, I'll make it up to you." Louis said then hung up. Harry threw his phone across his room where it landed on the floor in pieces, he couldn't help it anymore and started crying, almost sobbing.

Maybe Liam was right, Louis was no good for him but he loved him so much, he couldn't live without him, he needed Louis like he needed food, water and oxygen to survive, that night Harry cried himself to sleep.


A/N: How was the first chapter? Good? Bad? Horrible? Please let me know. Don't forget to comment vote and share pretty please, I love reading your comments! :)

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