Chapter 7

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A/N: Listen to the song, I think it sets a mood or something like that cause I wrote all of this whole thing listening to this song, maybe some of the lyrics have nothing to do with the story but anyway, listen to it! :)

Chapter 7

"Lou, honey wake up! It's dinner time!"

"I don't want to!"

"C'mon, you need to eat something love!"

"Are the girls here? It's really quiet!"

"They're spending the night at their friends, you and I have to talk about what you're gonna do!"

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute!"

Louis waited until his mum was out of the room then got up to the bathroom and locked the door, he stood in front of the mirror and took off his shirt and stared down at his stomach twisting and turning around to various angles, but a bump wasn't visible yet so he just put his shirt back on and went downstairs. Jay was already waiting for Louis with a table set for two and two plates full of food.

"So, what are you gonna do Lou?" Jay asked.

"I was thinking about going to school until I start showing, get a job, tell the girls, Niall, and Zayn once I have proof that I am really pregnant. Oh and I was thinking about doing online classes!" Louis said not even pausing to take a breath then shoving a piece of broccoli into his mouth.

"Okay...I agree with you about school, online classes and about telling them but not with getting a job Lou. You're pregnant and you need to take care of yourself and the baby!" Jay slowly said.

"But how am I gonna pay for everything he's gonna need mum? I can't let you pay for everything, that's Harr-that's my responsibility!" Louis corrected himself mentally cursing for even thinking about Harry.

"It's not easy to raise a baby Lou, especially if you're a single parent!" Jay explained trying to knock some sense into Louis about telling Harry.

"Can we just, you know, take it slowly? Who do I make an appointment with for check ups and all that crap?" Louis asked completely oblivious and Jay chuckled.

"Umm, don't worry about that, I'll set one up for you next week!" Jay said.

"Thanks mum!" Louis said and continued eating.


The following Monday Louis woke up feeling extremely nauseous and with a horrible headache, he felt bile rising up to his throat and immediately ran to the toilet where he vomited until his throat was raw.

Once he was done he flushed the toilet and brushed his teeth then walked down to the kitchen where he knew he would find his mum, she was standing in front of the stove making what looked like pancakes while humming a tune, Louis could hear his sisters upstairs getting ready for school.

"Morning mum! I don't feel good, can I stay home?" Louis asked feeling his head throbbing.

"Morning baby, you have an appointment today at noon with the same Obsterician who delivered you! What's wrong?" Jay said placing the last pancake on a plate full of them then turning the stove off.

"Well, I puked again and it feels like my head's gonna explode!" Louis said sitting down on a chair in the kitchen table and served himself some pancakes and milk.

"I'm sorry honey, good thing we're going to the doctor today!" Jay said kissing Louis' forehead.

"Don't you have to work today mum?"

"I have the day off sweetheart! GIRLS, HURRY UP, YOU CAN'T BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" Jay yelled making Louis flinch.

After they were done eating and his mum was dropping off the girls Louis took his sweet time showering, he began thinking if not telling Harry was the right thing to do but he couldn't bring himself to tell him. Louis had to grow up without a father and to be honest it wasn't fun at all and now there he was, doing the same thing to his unborn child but still he wouldn't say a thing to Harry even if he had to stay inside his house to avoid being seen by Harry or Liam who Louis didn't doubt would tell Harry about him being pregnant.

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