Chapter 6

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A/N: I changed this fanfic from a Nouis to a Larry because it just wasn't working out for me anymore writing it as a Nouis! I get more inspiration if its a Larry! I'm sorry if you really liked Nouis but it was either changing it or deleting the whole story and I didn't want to do that since i worked so hard on it. I hope you guys stick with me and like the new version! :)

Chapter 6

*3 Weeks Later*

Three weeks had passed passed after the party and nothing between Louis and Harry had changed, and it was upsetting both boys even if the other had no idea. They avoided each other like the plague and Louis even went out of his way to avoid Harry during the school day while harry always tried to ignore Louis. He had decided to just move on and forget about Louis, both boys knew nothing could ever bring them back together. Oh how wrong they were.

It was a Saturday morning two months after the party when Louis woke up feeling slightly nauseous and just...different. He changed his position hoping it will make the nausea go away, but it had the opposite effect and he got out of his bed faster than he had ever had and rushed towards his bathroom.

He barely made it to the toilet before vomit was coming out, he threw up two more times feeling his stomach pumping out the contents of last night dinner. Groaning out of discomfort and disgust he flushed the toilet and placed the lid down putting his head on it letting it cool his cheek and closed his eyes.

"Boo? You okay?"

Louis opened his eyes to see a very worried Phoebe standing on the doorway chewing on her lower lip,"Y-yeah I'm fine Phoebs. I think I ate too much last night!" Louis said trying to not make it a big deal.

"Okay...want me to go get mummy for you?"

"No love, it's okay. I feel much better now!" Louis said and Phoebe nodded before walking out of Louis' room singing 'The Little Mermaid'

Once Louis made sure she was gone he brushed his teeth then decided to take a shower, after the shower he felt a thousand times better. As he walked downstairs towards the kitchen he couldn't help but think about Harry and how much he missed him, they hadn't talked in two months and it was killing him to not being able to hug and touch Harry.

"G'morning mum!" Louis yawned kissing his mum's cheek and sitting down on the chair.

"You mean noon! Jay said

"It's already noon?" Louis asked genuinely surprised, he never slept in that long unless he was hungover, which wasn't the case since he had been busy and too tired to go to parties.

"Are you okay boo?" Jay asked placing sunny side up eggs and bacon on a plate in front of Louis.

Louis looked down at the food and his stomach turned at the sight and smell, he quickly got up and bolted towards the bathroom putting a hand over his mouth to stop the vomit from coming out. Once he got there he bent down and vomited bile which was worse, he started sweating and his throat burned like a bitch. He dried heaved for a few seconds before he felt his mum's cool hands rubbing his bare back and pushing his hair out of his forehead.

"This is the fifth time you throw up Lou," Jay said and Louis looked at her surprised "Yesterday morning you threw up twice, and today this is your third time. I'm not deaf, you know!" Jay said concerned.

"I'm fine mum! Maybe it's just something I ate!" Louis said getting up to rinse his mouth, flushing the toilet before getting up.

"I'm gonna schedule you an appointment..."

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