Chapter 5

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A/N: So here's chapter 5!! Finally! Anyway, I have to warn you guys that this is a mature chapter, if you don't wanna read the smut I'll just point it to where it starts and where it ends! I hope you like my failed attempt at writing smut! song for this chapter is A little Too Not Over You, it fits! Lol

Enjoy my lovelies! :)

Chapter 5

*3 Weeks Later*

As the weeks went by, Louis found himself falling into a new routine. 

Monday: Wake up, go to school, act like he didn't care whenever he saw Harry, HIS Harry, holding hands and cuddling with Liam, and what hurt the most was seeing them kissing. He always turned around trying not to cry.

That was every day from Monday to Friday. 

Friday Night: Party, get drunk 

Saturday: Sleep all day and party again all night. 

Sunday: Sleep all morning then spend time with his sisters.

It was the same every week and Louis' mum, Jay, was starting to get worried but Louis never listened to her. Another thing that was starting to worry Niall and Zayn were Louis' daily hook ups. Meaningless sex, that's all it was to Louis and it didn't matter if they were boys or girls.


"We need to talk to you!" Niall said looking at Louis, one Friday afternoon while they were doing homework at Louis's house.

"About what?" Louis said closing his history textbook

"About what you're doing Lou! You have to stop!" Zayn said

"Stop what? I'm not doing anything wrong as far as I know!" Louis said annoyed and trying to play it dumb in hope that his friends would just drop the subject.

"You know what Louis! Don't play dumb, all the partying and drinking it's not gonna get you anywhere!" Niall argued

"It helps me forget!" Louis mumbled

"If you're talking about Styles then just stop Lou! You still love him, we know you do!" Zayn said

"No I don't...not anymore. And shut up if you don't want me to break your face!" Louis muttered.

Niall looked at Zayn and smirked, Zayn only giving him a warning look and shaking his head No.

"Aww c'mon LouLou, I know you still love him!" Niall said

"No I don't!"

"Tell me the truth or...or, I'll tickle it out of you!" Niall threatened and Louis gasped

"You wouldn't!" Louis said in mock horror moving away from Niall

Niall waited a few seconds before he launched himself at Louis and tackled him to the ground tickling him mercilessly.

"S-stop it!!" Louis yelled between breaths trying to squirm out of his grasp.

"Not until you admit you still love him!" Niall said laughing.

"F-fine! Y-yes, I still do!" Louis said and got out of Niall's grasp as soon as he stopped tickling him.

"I knew it! If you still love him go get him!" Niall said

"I can't! He's with that douche!" Louis said plopping down on the bed next to Zayn.

"So? Go steal him back!" Zayn said fixing his hair.

"I can't do that! He's happy now!" Louis said

"But you aren't Lou! You aren't happy!" Niall protested

I Almost Do (Larry Stylinson) Mpreg AU UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now