Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Louis broke up with me." Harry said as he walked in on Liam's room where all three boys were playing FIFA and stared at Harry like he had three heads.

"Why?" Zayn asked.

"He thinks I cheated on him with Alex last night at the party but I didn't, I swear I didn't." Harry frantically said waving his arms around.

"You were totally passed out thirty minutes after you got there, how is that possible?" Niall asked.

"I don't know! Someone sent him a picture of Alex and I making out with a really nasty text but I don't remember shit, I only had one single stupid beer." Harry nearly yelled then sat down on the bed with his hands covering his face.

"Uh Harry? I think you were drugged." Liam slowly said as realization crossed Harry's face.

"B-But why?" Harry asked.

"I don't know but we'll figure it out, you need to go back to Louis and explain." Liam adviced.

"No...I've been calling him non stop all day and he won't answer my calls, Jay said he hasn't come out of his room all day. Fuck he even said j can't be there when Dylan's born and that I can see him one time after he's born and that's it." Harry said tearing up.

"Louis didn't mean it Harry, you know how he gets when he's angry and hurt. He acts before he thinks." Zayn said sympathetically.

"Still...He said Dylan's only his and you all know how much I love and want that baby. I really want him." Harry said fiddling with his fingers.

"We know Harry and he'll come around, you'll see how by Tuesday he'll be calling you and asking you to go back because he can't sleep by himself." Niall said then giggled.

"I hope so." Harry said wiping the tears off.

Louis never called back and the weeks passed by and soon he found himself at 30 weeks pregnant only waiting for Dylan to be born so he could have someone to cuddle at night and because he just wanted to hold him in his arms. Since Harry was out of school and uni was a year away since be had decided to skip a year to focus on Dylan and Louis he had taken another job at a small bakery and spent most of his days working his butt off to save enough money for Louis and their baby.

He was almost never home and when he got there it was only to eat, shower and then go to sleep missing Louis and rest for another day, he had stopped calling Louis a week after their fight to keep him from stressing out unaware that his absence affected Louis greatly. Louis was absolutely refusing to do anything and he would stay holed up in his room all day not wanting anyone to visit him or enter his room but the last week of his seventh month he absolutely had to get out since he had an appointment.


"Is my baby okay?" Louis asked after Dr. Summers kept looking at the screen with furrowed eyebrows then carefully listened to his little heartbeat.

"'ve lost weight, you're supposed to be gaining or at least keep it steady. Are you not eating?" Dr. Summers asked with a concerned look.

"I-I'm going through some difficult times right now and sometimes I'm just not hungry so I don't eat." Louis confessed.

"Louis," She sighed. "You need to eat and stop stressing out too much. I'm not gonna lie to you because you need to know and I'm worried, Louis...Dylan's heartbeat is getting weaker." Dr. Summers said and her heart broke at the sight in front of her.

"What? He's not gonna die is he?" Louis frantically asked as he started crying and breathing harder, gasping for air.

"Louis please calm down, just breathe, in, out, in, out. Louis you're hurting him." Dr. Summers said but Louis just kept getting worse.

I Almost Do (Larry Stylinson) Mpreg AU UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now