Chapter 3

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A/N: I'm sorry it took me forever to update! Song: Haunted by Taylor Swift

Please enjoy! :)

Chapter 3

After the first class ended Louis and Harry decided to skip and head to Louis' house since no one was home, Louis' mum was at work and his four sisters were still in school.

They drove to his house each riding in their own car since it was easier for the both of them plus Harry didn't wanted to go back to school to pick up his car.

When he got there Louis was already waiting for him at the front door, he got out of his car and walked towards him taking Louis' hand interwining their fingers which made Harry have a butterfly party inside his stomach, they walked inside still holding hands.

"Wanna watch a movie and cuddle babe?" Louis asked smiling at Harry.

"Sure Lou!" Harry said

"Ok, why don't you look for one and I'll go make us some snacks!" Louis said letting go of Harry's hand and headed towards the kitchen humming some random tune.

Harry was already sitting down on the couch, 21 Jump Street playing on the DVD player when Louis came back with two bowls of popcorn and two sodas. He gave one bowl to Harry and set the other one on the coffee table along with the sodas and sat down wrapping his arms around Harry and Harry placed his head on the crook of his neck.

They fell asleep, the movie long forgotten and the popcorn left untouched as well as the sodas. Harry woke up a few hours later to the sound of a phone vibrating furiously, he looked around trying to identify where it was coming from while rubbing his eyes and yawning.

He finally located his phone on the floor and picked it up, he unlocked it and saw a new message from Liam


'Where are you? School's almost over and I haven't seen you all day!'

Harry smiled and replied


'I'm with Lou, we decided to skip school, don't worry!'

After replying Harry locked his phone and cuddled closer to Louis taking the opportunity to be close to him as much as possible while it lasted. He was already falling asleep again when his phone vibrated. He unlocked it and read the message.


'He's being nice to you right?'

Harry frowned at the message but soon shrugged it off knowing Louis' antics and Liam was just worried about him.


'don't worry mate, he's being nice'

Harry hadn't even put his phone down when it vibrated again

From: Liam

'Ok then, guess I'll see you later. Love you!'

Harry was about to reply when the phone was snatched away from his hands, he looked up to see a really furious looking Louis standing next to him reading the last text from Liam. Harry got up attempting to get his phone but failing miserably when Louis pushed him down and landed on the floor hurting his left elbow.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Harry screamed getting up from the floor.

"NO, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Louis shouted and Harry winced, Louis was livid and a livid Louis was no good.

Harry was about to reach for his phone again when he felt Louis' fist collide with his jaw sending him down to the floor again. Harry turned his head to look at Louis who was glaring down at him, he quickly got up and did something he knew he was going to regret, he punched Louis as hard as he could.

I Almost Do (Larry Stylinson) Mpreg AU UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now