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A/N: Last chapter, I hope you like it. :)


Harry opened his eyes getting used to the light noticing he was naked and then remembered why since Louis was in the same situation and smiled hugging him closer. He then got up to get dressed just in case the girls wandered in and woke Louis up to do the same then sighed when after getting dressed Louis immediately fell asleep again. He didn't bothered checking on Dylan knowing he had spent the night with Jay in his first ever sleepover according to Daisy and that Louis thought it didn't counted since it was his grandma and he was still in the house. It had been Louis' birthday the day before and Harry wanted to give him a present but he wasn't gonna give it to him with Dylan in the room. He decided to sleep a little more and as soon as he was in bed again he was out.

"Merry Christmas daddies." Jay came in holding the now six month old Dylan who began getting excited as soon as he lay eyes on his daddies.

"Good morning sunshine!" Louis almost shouted getting up too fast hitting Harry in the jaw with the side of his head.

"Louis..." Harry groaned rubbing the spot and opening and closing his mouth to make some of the pain go away.

"Oh my God Harry are you okay? I am so so sorry love." Louis quickly apologized trying to rub the spot himself.

"It's okay, you didn't mean it." Harry mumbled sitting up and taking Dylan then laughed at what he was wearing.

"I don't need Santa, I have my nanas." Louis read then laughed kissing his cheek.

"Anne and I got it for him last week and we were waiting for today to put it on him. Come downstairs, everyone's already waiting and we gotta make it special for Dylan. It's his first Christmas." Jay smiled then left the room.

As soon as they were looking presentable they went downstairs getting greeted by the rest of the family and Gemma who took Dylan from Harry and began showering him with kisses while he sat there and took it giggling at the funny noises her kisses would make then sighed when she stopped and set him down on the floor where he sat with her help still not able to crawl. The doctor had told them that since he was a preemie baby and still had two almost one moth to go before he was due he was going to be doing everything behind according to his original age not the one he had since he was born earlier. Louis still blamed himself but Harry would always tell him it wasn't his fault and that what mattered was that Dylan was a healthy and happy baby.

"Time to open presents." Anne shouted handing a wrapped box to Dylan who immediately began chewing on it.

Harry took the box from Dylan to open it but stopped when he began screaming and trying to reach for it and Harry not wanting to give in and turn him into those kids who got everything they wanted ignored him and continued opening the present for him. Dylan whimpered looking at Louis knowing he would take him to Harry but like Harry had done Louis ignored him too and instead sat next to him so Gemma could help Anne distribute the presents. Dylan kept whining until he let himself fall backwards then rolled around so he was on his stomach then shakily got up in all fours and began dragging himself towards Harry who was too stunned and teary eyed to say anything.

"Oh my god he's crawling. Dylan's crawling." Louis shouted and smiled bigger when he saw Gemma was already recoding the moment.

Dylan struggled to get to Harry but once he was there he reached for the present but Harry put it aside and picked him up instead kissing all over his face and cheering along with Louis' sisters. Louis quickly joined them kissing his son's nose as Dylan shrieked trying to reach for the wrapped present, Louis quickly unwrapped it and gave him the plastic box containing a car toy inside.

I Almost Do (Larry Stylinson) Mpreg AU UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now