Lukas: 1

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A cold smoke whispers in my ears. Eager to get it out I try fighting the sensation, but it's too strong. The hiraeth that my soul feels is aching for a family, a place to call home. But the time for that is long gone.

"Your highness." the Duke's voice pulls me back into reality. "I do express deep remorse for the passing of your kin, but we must discuss what it means for the kingdom with his highness William having fled the palace grounds."

I can't think straight with this imbecile hassling me about this all day. It's driving me marcid with dreariness.

"With all do respect, your grace, I cannot be bothered about this any longer. My brother and father have just passed tragically, and I couldn't be troubled with the thought of a coronation at the moment." I nod. "Thank you for your time, but it's best I get a well rest for the night. We will discuss the matter in the morning, when we are all far more... present than it seems we are now."

I look around the room to see the monarchy looking weary, rightly half asleep by the long congregation we've attended for the past hours.

The Duke nods, a little red in the face at my shutting his matter down.

"Alright. Do come ask for assistance in the future as you need. Until tomorrow, your highness." He nods as I escape the bloody conference room I've spent boresome hours in.

If only I could escape this situation.


"Gods, your room is a mess, Lukas."

My eyes flit open hesitantly, and I relax when I see Tate folding laundry in a battered antique chair I have no reason to keep in my room. But the relaxation doesn't last for long when the anagapesis returns from my brothers act of running away. Will was never cut out for king, I get it, but he just up and left. We were too close for me to be able to patch up the hole in my heart from his fleeing.

Tate puts the clothing down, and comes to sit on the edge of my bed.

"How you holding up?" She pats my leg.

"How did you do it?" I ask her, yearning for some truth. "How did you get over his disappearance so quickly?"

Tate is one of the maids here at Fjiotila palace, and she's been the head maid for my living quarters. I make sure she always gets paid a little extra, because I know she has dreams of college and getting a good job she loves, but more than that, she's become my best friend over the years. She's twenty one, and I'm eighteen, so it's like she's the older sister I never had.

"Well, man, I gotta tell you.. your brother had to leave, and you know it. What kind of kingdom would we turn into under Will's command? He knew he couldn't do it, and subconsciously I know you do to, Lukas." Tate sighs. "And plus, you're acting like we were getting married or something. It was just casual fun and stuff."

The only rift Tate and I ever had in our friendship was when I found out that she was seeing my brother. That was a new level of weird because, first, your older brother and your best friend who is also like a sister hooking up? It just kind of feels like I caught my siblings making out.

And not to mention my brother fell in love with Tate, which she doesn't know, and so here we are. He's ran away from home after the tragic incident of our oldest brother and dads passing, leaving me to become the next king. And that's just plain selfish, if I'm being honest. My brother was a lot of things, but the biggest thing about him was his selflessness, but leaving me to pick up all the responsibilities he left behind when he decided to take off was just unlike him. I've hated Will for the last week or so, and the betrayal just doesn't get any less painful from here.

"Yeah, but... still..." I sigh. "You guys were-"

"Were nothing." Tate shakes her head, and tosses a dark black suit and tie. "Today, you're going to go and figure out how you're going to keep this kingdom together, and act like a man about it."

"But..." I wrinkle my nose at the black. Everyone knows I don't look good in black. It's just common sense.

Before she can scold me anymore, I sigh and haul myself to my feet, changing behind a folding screen. Moments later, emerge wearing the most hideous black suit. It's a nice suit, but far too grim and solemn for my taste. Although I suppose that must suit a funeral.

"What do I do, Porter?" I whisper up at the ceiling to my deceased older brother. "It's a mess without you or father here."

Before my brother can send me a sign from above or something, Tate intrudes on my moment.

"You done, pretty boy?" She sounds bored.

"Yeah, sure thing." I nod, and come out from the screen concealing my appearance. "I still think Porter and father would have liked me to wear something that makes me look a lot less like a criminal defense lawyer."

"That's offensive to all of them out there." Tate scolds.

"You know I mean it out of respect." I mutter in an undertone.

"Poor duchess Annalise." Tate ignores me, focusing on my fallen brother's fiancé. "That must do something to a person, your wedding coming up in days, and yet, your groom passes quite suddenly. We should make sure she's well without him."

"She will be fine." I snap, and I'm not even sure why. She probably isn't; it must be traumatizing to lose someone you were in love with. I'm not even sure what that kind of love feels like.

The books and movies say it's life changing, ground shaking, earth shattering, the greatest blessing to your life. I have my doubts. There can't be a soulmate for everyone, can there?

Tate smacks me with her backhand, and frowns at me.

"This whole situation is turning you into a ignorant dunce. The woman lost the love of her life just before her wedding, and you have the audacity to say she'll be fine? Lukas, you can't be serious. You aren't this great of a fool." She scowls at me.

Shame pours through my being, and I bow my head down to the floor.

"You're right, Tate. I don't know what possessed me to say that; I'll check in on her before the funeral begins." I concur. "I must apologize ahead of time for my manner. It's not an excuse, but I'm not thinking straight because of the whole coronating. William really did me dirty."

Tate is silent for a moment, and I continue.

"I'm to check up on Her Grace Annalise. I'll see you at the funeral, Tate." I nod, and begin to the door.

"Love you, brother." Tate's eye roll is in the way she speaks.

"Love ya, sis." I smile to myself, grateful at my beloved best friend.

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